Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [prep] [be] know [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I confirm that this is the name by which I intend to be known in all my professional practices as a lawyer .
2 I want to be known for my driving , not as a society man or a lover or God knows what . ’
3 I think the other thing was that I wanted to be known as a musician rather than some other phenomenon other than a musician and I think that also had an effect on me too .
4 One skipper who sought to reduce the carnage discovered that trapped dolphins could be released from nets by the use of a manoeuvre which came to be known as ‘ backdown . ’
5 The analogy was an apt one , for the book helped to set in motion the new movement which came to be known as Dialectical Theology , and whose leading lights , apart from Barth himself , were Brunner , Bultmann and Gogarten .
6 Journalists christened his daily briefings ‘ the Falt follies ’ , a self-conscious reference to the American briefings in Vietnam which came to be known as ‘ the five o'clock follies ’ .
7 Consequently the policy of expanding and then contracting demand , which came to be known as ‘ stop — go ’ , was a result of the direct conflict between the employment and balance of payments objectives since control over the level of aggregate demand was relied upon in order to achieve both goals .
8 During the same period it was also alleged that there was a trade-off between unemployment and inflation , which came to be known as the Phillips curve .
9 Many Serbs fled from the advancing Turks and settled north of the Sava in the Hungarian-held lands which came to be known as Vojvodina .
10 On 16 August 1819 there occurred in Manchester the event which came to be known as the Peterloo massacre .
11 The numerous fissures there , which came to be known as the Back Strings , represent these early excavations upon the vein outcrops , though they have been modified and deepened over the years .
12 The dissidents , claiming the support of 68 members , effectively established a new party which came to be known as Janata Dal ( Socialist ) Party or Janata Dal ( S ) .
13 He presided over far-reaching changes , including the abolition of censorship , in a programme which he described as aiming for " socialism with a human face " and which came to be known as the " Prague Spring " .
14 The very specimens to which Gould refers so casually in his letter , particularly those which came to be known as ‘ Darwin 's finches ’ , were to spark off one of the most controversial theories of all time .
15 Guntram had died three years earlier and , according to the seventh-century chronicler Fredegar , Sigibert 's son , Childebert II ( 575 – 96 ) took over his kingdom , thus uniting what had been the kingdom of Orléans , but which came to be known as the kingdom of Burgundy , with that of Rheims , or Austrasia .
16 She wants to be known as a workhorse and not a clothes horse .
17 She wants to be known as Our Lady of Blémont-la-Fontaine , and her feast-day is to be in early September on the day we have the harvest festival .
18 To Leibniz he was ‘ The Irishman who attacks the reality of bodies … [ and ] belongs to the class of men who want to be known for their paradoxes ’ .
19 Throughout the summer the dolphin , who came to be known as Opo , played with swimmers , performed tricks , escorted boats in the harbour , and for 11 weeks received regular newspaper coverage .
20 ‘ It was when the friend of the family , Donald Templeton , the trusted and valued doctor who attended both Farr and his wife , came to call that the plans of the man who came to be known as the Wimbledon poisoner came badly unstuck .
21 Whether on purpose or by mistake , Kimberly was exchanged for the baby who came to be known as Arlena Twigg .
22 After winning an amateur talent contest in Chicago at the age of 15 , the woman who came to be known as the Queen Of The Blues spent the next few years singing in low-life nightclubs , occasionally supplementing her meagre income by cleaning lavatories .
23 We want to be known as people who pay their bills on time and can be trusted and depended on for help if needed .
24 1991 , 27 , 145 ) that nothing seems to be known about Clara Taylor during the years 1921–26 , when she was headmistress of the Northampton School for Girls .
25 Thus they came to be known as Dark Elves .
26 In Canada it came to be known as ‘ The 10 Lost Years ’ , which were devastating for those on the prairies and very difficult for those in the cities .
27 Without it , ‘ Stop-Go ’ , as it came to be known in the 1960s , will be with us for ever .
28 The Iraqi " supergun " affair , as it came to be known in the UK media , first came to light on April 10 when UK customs officials in Teesside detained a consignment of steel cylinders bound for Iraq .
29 The " barbecoup " , as it came to be known from the social event which preceded it , resulted in a charge of treason against Tohian two months later .
30 His name was Alec Cooke , but he preferred to be known as Ace Cool .
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