Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] back [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 As the crews tied up for the last time in Southampton , watched , and waited for by families and friends they had n't seen for eight months , many of them agreed getting back to a routine , going back to work , might by tough .
2 I want to go back to a size 12 again .
3 I want to go back to a comment made by the hon. Member for Truro ( Mr. Taylor ) , which led the hon. Member for Blackburn ( Mr. Straw ) to go into a spate of incontinent muttering .
4 After countless ages I seemed to come back to a real realisation that I was continuing to breathe , even if with difficulty , and did n't seem in immediate danger of stopping .
5 I felt I had stepped back into a thirties ' film and that in the morning , when we went down into the bar for café au lait , Arletty and Jean Gabin would be leaning on the zinc counter .
6 I had to come back to a degree agreeing with them .
7 I feel bitter that while I was out there I was somebody but I 've come back as a third class citizen .
8 I 'm I 'm actually I have to go back to a house .
9 I could understand them wanting to escape back to a time when they were ‘ needed ’ .
10 Bewildered , she felt as if she 'd stepped back into a dark cave and was falling into the unknown .
11 Unless — do you have to go back to a hospital with it , or anything ? ’
12 Of course that is n't really allowed , but once you 've got back as a ghost , there 's not much anybody can do to stop you .
13 She had drawn back from a direct confrontation again , Guy realised .
14 He is said to have one of the fastest services in Britain and his game proved too powerful for Tony Marti who had hurried back from a league match to play him .
15 She leant forward , saying she wanted to go back for a moment to what the TV presenter had said about Jim Lancaster .
16 You have come back in a funny mood .
17 Despite all the things that happen to us , such as religious conversion , dreams , accidents , bereavement , psychological shock — all those things that pull us out of everyday reality — we tend to slip back to a belief that there is a bedrock of common sense and sensibility at the heart of things .
18 time we 've come back with a need-to-be-paid is n't it ?
19 We have to get back to a position where investors want to invest in unquoted companies and believe they 're still getting a good return , but I do n't think that will be the 30% they might have been promised . ’
20 We have slipped back to a state of affairs which would be intolerable even in Naples . ’
21 You 're obviously more cautious than you were before , and erm a lot of kids now they tend to stand back for a while just in case 'cause you can never judge how fast they 're really going to go through there .
22 Dyson half expected him to come jerking back for a reprise of the First Collect .
23 They seemed to stretch back for a very long way and Nuadu , narrowing his eyes , trying to find his bearings , thought that they must go back and back into the hillside behind the road and deep within the earth .
24 While a few people do not like tape recorders , others love to have what they said played back at a family party , and then argue and correct each other and make interesting extra comments .
25 Slowly but inevitably they had drifted back into a loving relationship , culminating three months ago in their engagement .
26 They had come back as a fleet , their sails bellying out under the south-westerly gale , the men shouting to each other across the water to compare catches , and their womenfolk waiting on the beach to help with the unloading and to make a start on the gutting and salting and packing .
27 The counsellor made it clear that if they wanted to come back at a later stage , they would be welcome .
28 He has come back with a bang , and the film of Jurassic Park opens in July , which will obviously help his sales .
29 For three whole days she 'd blanked out the memory of that kiss they 'd shared , but now it came flooding back with a vengeance , hot and strong and so seductively real that she could have wept for shame .
30 Would he like to come back on a quieter ‘ induction day ’ ?
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