Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] it [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 I make sure , then prepare to leave , but I want to make it appear that I entered and left the church like a ghost .
2 I 'd heard it said that th the development of this site has been in the development plan for twenty years
3 I do think it helps that we 're in the same profession .
4 th th the building went ahead and people every year or two sometimes twice in a year get flooded and they get sewages the the sewer with the volume of rain water they ca n't otherwise get away , but it brings to light what happens i i i in the ditches and , and the waterways that are spread across the direction of Airport and then out into the river when the tide is low because the switches close when the tide comes in and basically er and this is up to date information the information that I have is that the channels are the responsibility of the er you know responsibilities are either kept cleared or not clogged up and in connection with the , with the incident I , I did hear it said that in , in a place where once said it usually counts that possibly and more than the that the first flood was due because the drains and the ditches could n't take the volume of water after they were cleared and things have been pretty reasonable erm since that time , so it would seem to confirm what , what I have to say about keeping clear erm but it may be that authorities that were n't responsible had the job of cleaning them , I do n't know .
5 I have accepted part of it , and I 've amended it to ensure that we can overcome the criticisms er that would have been involved if we 'd left it er as it was , er and above all , and I think this is the most important thing , we 've made sure that it will work , er and that it will meet our objectives of getting competition into the franchises , if we 'd just ended up with one great monolithic British Rail , after all each franchise remember will be coming gradually , they wo n't be doing them all at once , there will be one next year , several the year after , and so on , if British Rail had been able to go around and pick them off , and say , Well we can run this now in the future much better than we 've done it in the past , so we 'll bid , and we 'll bid a low bid , that really would n't have been getting fair and proper competition into the system , so what i what I 've done is ensured , as I 've done all the way through in this bill in accepting amendments , that we make sure we achieve our objectives , and that above all it 's workable , the , as it was it would n't as it was the Paignton amendment would n't have been workable , because there would have been total chaos and confusion
6 But I do know that he , where he lives , I 'm sure I 've seen it written that where he lives he has services there .
7 I 've heard it said that we are going to be a service economy .
8 I 've heard it said that the only reason we got the contract with Talkin' Loud is 'cos we know Gilles .
9 I 've heard it said that retrospectives are bad for the health . ’
10 I have heard it said that when bream break surface it is simply to obtain the extra oxygen available there .
11 I have heard it said that an Englishman 's humour is unique .
12 I have heard it said that they were built by Iron Age men in honour of Megan , a Celtic goddess .
13 I have heard it said that the only major advance in stratigraphy and sedimentology since the Second World War was the concept of the turbidity current .
14 But I have heard it said that parts of the Rocky Mountains are quite like our Simla .
15 Most people ignored this commandment , although I have heard it said that Pike was to be seen with a compass on a number of occasions , trying to align himself correctly .
16 I have heard it denied that the candles — different candles — glimmer for every child when he or she reaches the age of three or four , but of course that denial is nonsense ; simply , most children are asleep in the depths of the night when the candles shine out .
17 I have heard it objected that in every book of hers there is a smell of onions , and that this is intended to show observation .
18 It purports to be based on the recollections of courtiers and retainers hunted up after the fall : but I have heard it suggested that the author did not take to the Picador edition 's cover display of a picture of Haile Selassie , perhaps on the grounds of a misleading particularity .
19 ‘ Defence has been perfected to a remarkable degree , ’ he said , ‘ and I have heard it suggested that through its further development football may be brought to a state of stalemate … it will be a sorry reflection on forwards if they have not the intelligence , the inventiveness to devise means by which they can carry their attack to a successful end . ’
20 I have heard it suggested that there is some danger that prospective buyers might be put off by the idea that their units have been used in this way .
21 Or are you going to spend it pretending that every man who kisses you is Ryan ? ’
22 As soon as he confessed what he knew , fumbling the hideous admission as they came out of a rather good film about love that he had hardly been able to stand , she managed to make it seem that it was he , not she , who was the disturber of their lives .
23 However , when we contacted Nikwax it appeared that durability is already being addressed with plans for a beefed-up outer with reinforced areas .
24 Does it make does it matter that the land is elevated above the road , above the A Nineteen ?
25 But when he had finished eating he seemed to want it known that he was not of the company .
26 He remembers hearing it said that each man in one gang at least vowed to kill or disable the keepers if they attempted to thwart their attacks on the game .
27 Ronald Chalmers 's term of office as vice-chairman had been a year only , he said , and he had made it know that he did not want to be considered for an office-bearer 's position .
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