Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] [noun] [vb infin] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I keep hearing people say they do n't want to see Ovett running 3:58 because they want to remember him running 3:48 .
2 I had seen shyness stiffen her into a quite absurd primness .
3 ‘ I think I 've heard Mark say it before , Father , ’ she replied Eleven times to be exact , she added savagely , under her breath .
4 What about Port Vale I 've heard people say they used to be a hard team to play .
5 I 've heard people say it 's great for roses . ’
6 ‘ Well , no — that is , I 've heard Liddy say they do , but …
7 I 've had women accuse me of that before now . ’
8 All my life , she thought , I have let things pass me by .
9 Three days after the accident she agreed to let Nick take her out to dinner .
10 You want to let John see them cos he 's a marvellous artist .
11 If you want to make people listen you have to do something to get media attention .
12 It is indeed a case of ‘ what you will ’ in decoding this and all other linguistic signs , but it is Iago who has made Othello construe it in that manner , and will continue to do so .
13 One of the artistes , as she 'd heard Charlie call them .
14 She decided to let Maurin think she had swallowed his tale .
15 How , against all the evidence , all the overwhelming knowledge she had about Guy Sterne , could she have let events overtake her like that ?
16 Buzz sensed that she had to be careful , she had to box clever , she had to let Adam think she had accepted what he said and would go quietly .
17 She had heard Ben tell her it was about time , too , but almost too late ; that was when she had stopped pushing the hand-cart and bought Laddie and the flat-cart .
18 If posture and where you put your body meant anything ( and she had heard sociologists say it did ) , Steve had a strong desire not to be seen .
19 She had heard people say it often enough — she had even said it herself — but she had not realized what it would really be like .
20 It was only partly that she disliked breaking arrangements , more that she wanted to let Cobalt see she was alive and well .
21 Well maybe they 're ignorant about , we 've heard people say I do n't believe
22 As artists , we have seen shifts int he boundaries of public and private , high and low , inaccessible and accessible and , indeed , even personal and political but the influences of past feminist art practices on these moves is very rarely acknowledged .
23 It is Claudius and Gertrude who are the main victims of Hamlet 's anger , and everything they do makes Hamlet hate them even more .
24 By seizing the present , they have let Nemesis seize them .
25 For Rabbit does n't just want to say what 's true : he wants to make Pooh believe it .
26 Lifted and dropped his shoulders a few times , he 'd seen people do it when they tried on clothes in stores .
27 He saw he had made Malm think him of unsound mind and he said quietly , earnestly , " There was nothing , nothing but what I 've told you . "
28 It does have implications mind you for Paul , cos where 's Paul gon na go ?
29 The wind buffeted her ears as she wondered again what had made Luke bring her to this particular place .
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