Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [verb] [pers pn] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I was determined , so I agreed to pay it back every week .
2 My left arm was dripping with blood , and when I tried to raise it only the top part moved , the rest hung limply by my side .
3 Someone tried to run him over a few hours ago .
4 My mother and I helped push him up the ladder into the attic ( not easy — he was no lightweight ) , and then passed up the bucket for him to quench the flames .
5 And she did n't really tell me , it was just that I guessed , I 'd seen them quite a few times , mooning about , and I asked her if she was going to marry him .
6 I 'd seen him around a few times .
7 If I 'd met you earlier the fact that I 'm married would have made it impossible for me to take off and fly with you like this .
8 I said I 'd bought it off a bloke in The Roebuck .
9 Cos I 'd cleaned it up the other day cos it had mildew on the bottom of it !
10 So I hope to sort it out the Lenten appeal well
11 ‘ Just that I seem to rub you up the wrong way ?
12 I miss my painting , and hope that by keeping still it will , like some small exotic animal , find its way back tome without my attempting to chase it down the byways of my exhausted creativity .
13 I like to make it so the viewer has an experience unto his or herself .
14 I remember seeing it round a bit
15 I decided to put them off the scent . ’
16 I , I made them I started making them quite a while ago .
17 £ But I think to give us perhaps a more vivid idea of what it must have been like for ordinary people , these are 3 houses in St Aldate 's that do n't exist any more , they 're down more-or-less where the police station is , erm and we do know exactly who lived there , and who was actually there during the war .
18 And that , er it was kind of and the garden was small cos we had it , a quite big garden and you know things like that , I think , and the travelling and everything I think got her down a bit , I know she sat down and had a cry , yeah .
19 As time went on , to avoid a whipping , I learned to tell her only the things I thought she wanted to hear .
20 I 'll never forget old , about two days I 'd been there , and I 'm going across the square and I see this bloke with sombreal on , so I did flung him up a salute cos that was wrong , he says come here
21 I did resent her quite a lot for what she did but it gave way after a few months .
22 I 'ave to milk her twice a day and ah knaw . "
23 Well when you all went , as you all left , when the last lot of redundancies were made , I said I 'm not paying no more union , Judith come over about the union meeting , I said I 'm not going to the meeting Judith and I said I want to come out of the union I 'm not paying any more , I said I ca n't afford ten pound a month for crap , well me and Jan had a big barney over it cos I never got on with her anyway and we had a big fucking row about it , she said the union this , the union that , I said where were the unions with my mates , they were n't in damn site , they were never there , we never saw one union representative from the day Audrey got done and we never ever saw erm till the last one got done , I said so do n't you tell me about the union I said they did fuck all , they were n't even here , so I said I do n't want to pay the union , and I said do n't tell me what to do Jane , I said what I do with me money is up to me I said get me out the union and get me out now , and then they all started , they all wanted to come out of it then , oh Maureen I think I might but what would Debbie say , I said Maureen do you ask her for a shit ?
24 I was happy in that I felt that I had paid him back a little for the thousands of hours he had spent at West London Stadium , stopwatch in hand , urging us all on to greater things .
25 On the album , because of the studio , I had to pull it back a bit , but on the road in Europe and the States I can get up to these big , massive sounds . ’
26 I had borrowed it about a week before .
27 I 've hated it more every time I 've been back .
28 So I 've said I 've listed them well the important points for me were the Aldershot method the arousal curve and the need for audience content .
29 And if I 've hung his coats up once I 've hung up , I 've hung them up a hundred times , he 's got a coat hanger on the back of the coat hook on the back of the door
30 Three so she 'd say , Oh you know mind I 've cut it up a bit do you you should n't it 's still a quarter still a quarter you have n't lost a bit of it but it 's still a quarter three twelfths is the same as a quarter .
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