Example sentences of "[pron] [verb] [noun] [to-vb] on [art] " in BNC.

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1 Consultant paediatrician Dr John Holmes-Smith , who selected children to go on the trip , said : ‘ As long as they are medically fit to go on the rides , there 's no reason why they should n't .
2 She took care to remain on the threshold while he did so .
3 Brushing aside military and logistical arguments , the Communists claimed that this reflected the continuing influence of the ‘ Men of Munich ’ within the Government , men who wanted Britain to stand on the sidelines while Russia and Germany fought one another to a standstill .
4 Then you have time to fix on a definite idea of how you want the final mix to sound .
5 Like the first group of respondents , they had comments to make on the ‘ time limits ’ provision in the 1975 Act , on the conflict between the child 's rights and interests and those of the parents , and on adoption .
6 The funds made available through the Farm and Horticultural Development Scheme will be a sound national investment but does it make sense to embark on a programme with a possibility that perhaps after six years the land might be allocated to forestry ?
7 Others may be surprised that he found time to work on a feature while promoting a top ten hit in ‘ Groovy Train ’ .
8 Now back in his hometown of Swindon he has time to reflect on the months tending wounded and dying Croatians at the frontline of battle in North Bosnia .
9 He gave much time and energy to advising the government on engineering projects throughout India , and in 1879 he visited Cyprus to report on the harbour at Famagusta .
10 He told Corbett to sit on a bench and went back to where he and a young man , a villein from the village , were poring over a great leatherbound book open on the table .
11 It allows students to concentrate on the more formal and computational aspects of Linguistics , in addition to taking a special course exploring the links between linguistic theory and Artificial Intelligence .
12 In the event of circumstances arising under 1 or 2 above which require the Insurers to notify the Society of the reduction or cancellation of cover the Insurers shall during the period from such reduction or cancellation until ten days after notification of the Society indemnify the Society against losses to the same extent as if cover had not been reduced or cancelled and if the Society shall within seven days of notification by the Insurers inform the Insurers that it wishes cover to continue on the same terms as if it had not been reduced or cancelled the Insurers shall indemnify the Society against losses on such terms for such period not exceeding six months as the Society shall specify and the Society shall be responsible for the payment of premium for such cover .
13 However , before he had time to dwell on the thought , another stronger jolt shook him when his fingers grasped her wrists and he pulled her hands away from her face .
14 Six-year-old Robert , clutching a small brown teddy bear , will remember how he missed school to go on a sudden ‘ holiday ’ .
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