Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] can be [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The Ombudsmansays of the SE 's findings : ‘ Among the authors ’ conclusions was the view that ‘ there must be substantial doubts as to whether the Barlow Clowes and James Ferguson companies and their directors can be considered fit and proper ’ for membership of the Stock Exchange . ’
2 Since means of production and means of consumption normally re-enter the productive process , their consumption can be called productive consumption .
3 ( The inverted commas here indicate that there is considerable debate about which countries can be called socialist . )
4 The system manages not only data about maintenance crews and equipment , but also rules that specify how long crews can work , which stations can be taken off-line without blacking out the city , and so on .
5 Others who may well have had reservations about him ( though we shall probably have to wait some time before their reflections can be made available to us ) were the oil-company spokesmen to whom he advanced new facts of life during the earnestly disputed discussions between OPEC and the major companies in Tehran in December 1973 .
6 Moreover , on top of the purchase commission there is usually a charge when cashing the cheque , although both Amex and Thomas Cook have offices around the world where their cheques can be cashed free of charge .
7 Inertial mass appears in the expressions for kinetic energy ( ) and momentum ( m i v ) , so that its definition can be made independent of any weighing process .
8 How far they were supreme in any new and unprecedented sense , whether their advance can be termed revolutionary , how much they owed to the innovatory genius of Thomas Cromwell are questions still open to dispute .
9 Students may take a wide variety of subjects both from within and outwith the faculty this is one of the ways in which options can be kept open .
10 Gordon Taylor points out in last Friday 's Echo Soccer in Crisis investigation that not all players enjoy rich rewards from the game when their careers can be cut short .
11 This suggests , I think , that I must refine my earlier criterion in the following way : it is wrong for a person to be treated as a means to the satisfaction of another 's desire , and only allowable for them to be treated , with their consent , as a means to the satisfaction of another 's needs , if no other means for their satisfaction can be made available .
12 Penny Perrick ( Sunday Times ) told us : ‘ In Louis Begley 's second novel , as in his first , Wartime Lies , the protagonist is a man convinced that his life can be made bearable only by willing away his terrible past .
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