Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] when [pron] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 Something permanent happened to my heart when I watched him , a tough street kid , cooing over his offspring .
2 I wo n't half give him a piece of my mind when we catch him . "
3 Boy , am I going to give him a piece of my mind when I see him .
4 I did n't drive to work , so he would n't recognize my car when I followed him .
5 He filched them from my wardrobe when I kicked him out .
6 When I was a child I believed my father when he said he would live to be a hundred .
7 She had expected him to leave her but he stayed watching her quietly , picking a biscuit off the plate himself , sharing her milk when she offered him the glass .
8 Michael was already there ; he sensed their disappointment when they saw him , they had wanted it for themselves .
9 I did n't know he was home and I was just on the point of going into her room when I heard him . ’
10 Lady Dawkins , who had never heard him speak before , surprised herself by her reaction when she heard him speak at the Albert Hall in January 1912 :
11 Mrs Barnet tells me that she expects her husband when she sees him .
12 Phyllisia too stood up to her father when he says he is going to send her and her sister back to the West Indies .
13 The van drew up in Pretty Street and Miss Poraway and Mrs Abigail got out , Miss Poraway still talking about the cartoon , saying it would tickle her brother when she told him about it .
14 Likewise Churchill , who would have agreed with her sentiment when she told him that without the Board of Education , the Board of Trade was ‘ powerless ’ to make ‘ a better worker , a better man , or a better citizen of the young worker . ’
15 He opened his eyes , rubbing his face with both hands , increasing the speed of the jets so that the water stung his skin when it struck him .
16 She knows that Isaac will take Jacob 's hands , and put his hand on his neck when he kisses him .
17 Rory had been able to leave his car when he thought he was getting warm , and walk up people 's drives until he found the pea-green Polo Fox .
18 But it is worth mentioning what a very experienced and established psychiatrist told me about his work when I interviewed him .
19 They had found no less than five flesh wounds on his body when they stripped him of his armour , but all clean and none dangerous , once the draining of his blood was staunched .
20 I was quite surprised at his reaction when I informed him of the death of ‘ Egg and chips twice ’ .
21 ‘ I clearly got up his nose when I asked him about a report which disputed his status as a big box-office draw , ’ says Barry .
22 It has to be said that he also invoked this oath against his barons when it suited him to do so , as in 1301 : it served against the laity no less than against the clergy .
23 And a glint came to his eye when he said he would be carrying on with his pastoral work for many years to come .
24 It was n't his name when I met him .
25 There was nothing in his wallet when I found him . ’
26 Perhaps you really wounded his pride when you turned him down so he wants to see you humiliated . ’
27 Do you know what , they said it 's not justified , tell that to the young farmer of thirty four with a dread disease , his policy when we pay him two hundred thousand pounds in his hospital bed .
28 She could smell it on his breath when she kissed him , so she buried her face in his chest and stroked his shoulders .
29 He had kids as young as twelve in his stable when they lifted him .
30 Foxe describes how ‘ Master Tyndale , a man of no great stature ’ , was courteously persuaded to walk ahead , whilst the tall and comely Philips behind him pointed over his head ‘ so that the officers who sat at the door might see that it was he whom they should take ; as the officers that took Master Tyndale afterwards told Poyntz , they pitied to see his simplicity when they took him . ’
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