Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] was [adj] to be " in BNC.

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1 My leaving was supposed to be a secret between the two of us . ’
2 Above all , my mother was fun to be with .
3 In areas where fascism had made a significant challenge its presence was likely to be embarrassing .
4 The indicators in Belfast were all concerned with relationships of kin , work and friendship , contracted within a defined territorial area where their influence was likely to be considerable .
5 She had forgotten that her papa was supposed to be dead , and had spoken of him in the present tense , a fact not wasted on Dr Neil , who made no comment , but asked politely , ‘ And does all this stockmarket bargaining mean that you are going to make me a cup of tea , or not ?
6 It became a pattern to work in Paris after a season or two in England but if a replacement was urgently needed , any dancer who caught her attention was likely to be shipped abroad .
7 If a scholar authenticated a work as by a major artist , then its price was certain to be higher .
8 The society 's charitable project soon got round the underworld , and in January 1773 they had a card hung in Westminster Jail stating that their charity was likely to be imposed upon ‘ by artful and designing villains who cause themselves to be arrested and imprisoned a day before the Society makes a distribution and thus come in for relief designed for the Poor distressed debtors imprisoned for a long time . ‘
9 A commentary on the effect of Government planning in the last few years is found in the recent report of the Working Party on the Building Industry : ‘ The producers of building materials … found that their assessment of the demand for their goods was liable to be upset by sudden changes of policy which they could not possibly foresee . ’
10 Unless full powers were given to the pope 's ambassadors their success was likely to be qualified — without telephones , " hotlines " , faxes , they could not speedily refer to the centre .
11 This minor affair underlined the Army 's contention that nuclear weapons and air power were no substitute for troops on the ground in the type of fighting in which Britain was likely to be involved as long as she remained a colonial power .
12 By the end of the century many paleontologists supported the theory of orthogenesis , in which variation was supposed to be pushed in some preordained direction by forces built into the constitution of the organisms .
13 Her sexuality was supposed to be greatly intensified during the first three days and on the fourth day she was supposed to be the most fertile for conception .
14 Which minister was first to be sacked from Mrs Thatcher 's Cabinet ?
15 One of the chief limitations on cowries as currency is that their value was liable to be severely depressed by reason of the huge quantities in which they occur in some areas and the fact that they could so readily be transported by ship .
16 Perhaps the most controversial question concerning English intonation is what its function is ; pedagogically speaking , this is a very important question , since one would not wish to devote time to teaching something without knowing what its value was likely to be .
17 Wishing that Mrs Wallington had not staggered up all the stairs with a heavy breakfast tray when her guest was unlikely to be able to eat anything very much , Julia called out , ‘ Come in . ’
18 But such songs were no novelties even at court entertainments in Florence and we have the melody and bass of a song composed by Piero Strozzi and sung by Giulio Caccini ( 1550–1610 ) in a masque for the wedding of Francesco I two years before the publication of Galilei 's Dialogo , in which Strozzi was supposed to be one of the interlocutors .
19 And it was suggested that this scheme should be presented to us , I thought one of their representatives was supposed to be coming here tonight to present it to us , obviously not been possible .
20 For someone whose nature was supposed to be grasping , Nicholas was remarkably generous to the Turks at the peacemaking .
21 Although Hertfordshire distinguished between tutor-librarians ( whose job was primarily educational ) and " college librarians " , whose job was supposed to be entirely administrative , many felt that such distinctions were meaningless or misleading ; it was all a matter of proportion , and nobody ( it was argued ) working in a college library could avoid at some stage taking part in the educational process .
22 It was decided to generate the samples from referrals to the psychogeriatric service in each borough , partly because it was easier to do that than to draw them from general practitioners ' lists or social services department referrals , but mainly in order to provide the service for people whose illness was likely to be at a relatively advanced stage and who were likely to need extra care if they were to continue to live at home .
23 Well , ironically his creed was supposed to be without that was n't it Hitler ?
24 It is perhaps not entirely a coincidence that his question was due to be answered today and the representations from the two trade unions arrived in the Department yesterday .
25 The day of his accident was supposed to be one of the happiest of Harvey 's life .
26 Joseph , who paid her no wages and feared increasingly ( Alice had been a most unexpected reprieve ) that his goldmine was sure to be removed from his use , could ape his former threats but do nothing .
27 His appointment was likely to be approved by the Foreign Minister , Gianni De Michelis and , when it came to the ballot , he in fact received seven votes , as against five for Bonito Oliva .
28 In Derry , newly-elected SDLP councillor Jim Clifford said today his daughter was lucky to be alive after a brick was thrown through the front window of the family home .
29 Two weeks before his employment was due to be terminated , he was offered alternative employment some 34 miles from his home .
30 A person is permitted under the section to argue that he was unaware that his conduct was likely to be regarded as disorderly by those who witness what he is doing .
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