Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] is [verb] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If the principle on which morality is based is referred to as ‘ acting for the sake of duty ’ ( Kant ) , then that would be a way of explaining the reason a man might have for acting morally .
2 If a group of finds whose date is known is found with others of unknown date , it is likely that all the finds are contemporary , although if this association of finds happens only once , doubt lingers about its accuracy .
3 What Go what Jesus is saying is do n't cut God out .
4 What behaviour is expected is determined by the job , but we can generalize .
5 And what Mao is saying is quotes such talk may sound plausible but in fact it 's wrong .
6 Yet what workforce is left is asked , no it 's told that one point five is a sufficient pay rise given the present economic climate , the catch being up to one point five , not one point five .
7 Because admitting your relationship is foundering is to acknowledge that your home , your security , your way of life and your dreams of the future are all heading for the rocks .
8 Of course , there are one or two exceptions to the no talking or moving yourself ‘ rule ’ : do speak up if something your partner is doing is hurting , or if you feel cold or uncomfortable in any way .
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