Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] of [noun prp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the Arab world Syria has atoned for its support of Iran during the previous Gulf war , and forged a lucrative friendship with Saudi Arabia .
2 First came the disappointing news that House of Fraser is to close its branch of Binns in the town .
3 In their study of Yorkshire during the 1984–5 strike , for example , Winterton and Winterton ( 1989 : see also Waddington et al. , 1990 ) found that the strike breakers were more likely to live outside the mining communities , thereby producing a geography whereby the strike was strongest ( and longest ) in the pits whose labour came mainly from local , closed communities : in Nottinghamshire , of course , the opposite occurred , with the closed communities being solid against the strike .
4 At the time , however , in France it was practically unthinkable and one may surmise that while France itself might have recovered from the débâcle of 1940 there was added point to her recovery of Vietnam after the humiliation and tragedy of March 1945 .
5 Explorations of contemporary feminist artists include Judy Chicago 's ‘ Dinner Party ’ and two essays on Faith Ringgold , on her observations of America in the 1960s ( Lowery Sims ) the other , on Afrocentrism in Ringgold 's work .
6 Niki 's three hard-earned points made the score 64 to 47 and the race was no sooner ended than the Ferrari dirty-tricks brigade was at work again in Paris , wrapping up their exclusion of Hunt from the podium at Brands Hatch .
7 First , she made a free gift of Scotland , and her claim to England , to the French king , should she die without issue ; second , she put her country in pawn , for the money spent by France in defending it and educating her ; and third , she negated in advance any agreement between her and the Scottish Estates which ran counter to her disposal of Scotland in the interests of France .
8 Her vision of God in the depths of the self is reminiscent of the basic insights of Buddhists , Hindus and Sufis .
9 They should abandon their insistence on the worship of the mythical creator of the universe , and seek their understanding of God within the confines of human knowledge .
10 BRITAIN elects its House of Commons by the simplest possible system : single-member constituencies in which the front-runner wins , even if he has under 50% of the votes .
11 Born about 1182 in Normandy , the son of a German father ( Henry the Lion ) and an Aquitanian mother , he had been much in the company of his uncle , King Richard I , who created him count of Poitou at the age of fourteen .
12 Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammed ibn Abdallah ibn Muhammed ibn Ibrahim al-Lawati , known to his friends by the diminutive Ibn Battuta , had left his birthplace of Tangier in the early June of 1325 .
13 The childish drawing of rabbits sitting under the trees among the spring daffodils ; his sketch of Ivan on the sled , of Lepkin dozing in his chair by the stove .
14 Admittedly , even at the end of our period , Thomas More still wrote some major works in Latin , but these were the works of a humanist scholar thinking of an international audience , and he was also prepared to produce an English version of the History of Richard 111 and to write his Confutation of Tyndale in the vernacular .
15 It has to be noted that he no longer lists his membership of CND in The Northern ‘ s Who 's Who .
16 Dr Asvat subsequently reported his examination of Stompie to the Soweto Crisis Committee , set up in 1988 to monitor and try to control the activities of Mrs Mandela , director of the ANC 's Social Welfare Department .
17 He crossed the Tay from Scone to his fort of Perth on the opposite side and transmitted encouragement , he hoped , to its captain .
18 ( For instance , Kamata [ 1982 ] , in his exposé of Toyota in the early 1970s , suggested that workers who chose not to ‘ empower ’ themselves in this way were punished for it through criticism and smaller bonuses ! )
19 It is evident from the massive character of the great border dyke which Asser in his Life of Alfred in the late ninth century attributes to Offa ( Life of King Alfred , ch. 14 ) , running from Sedbury Cliffs near Chepstow to Treuddyn , linking up now with Wat 's Dyke which ends at Basingwerk in north Wales , that considerable energy and manpower must have been devoted to the delineation , construction and maintenance of this frontier line .
20 Eusebius , the ‘ father of church history ’ and biographer of the first Christian emperor , commented in his Life of Constantine on the ‘ hypocrisy of people who crept into the church ’ with an eye to the emperor 's favour .
21 According to this report , the move was aimed at discrediting Arafat , who was already under serious pressure because of his backing of Iraq during the Gulf war , by stressing that the release had been arranged by Khaled Fayoum , a pro-Syrian opponent of Arafat .
22 Do not the Secretary of State 's earlier answers make it clear that his vision of Britain in the future is a low-wage economy with the worst employment conditions in Europe ?
23 They may yet vindicate his vision of Europe from the Atlantic to the Urals .
24 When Isaiah had his vision of God in the Temple , he cried aloud in anguish that we lost : even the angels could not bear the sight of the divine majesty but shielded themselves from it with their wings , and he had gazed upon the Lord of Hosts with his own impure eyes .
25 By the final scene , however , we infer his dislike of McKendrick from the fact that having seriously impinged on his negative face by placing Hollar 's thesis in his briefcase and putting him into a situation of considerable personal danger , he makes no apology for his action whatsoever .
26 Hitler saw Czechoslovakia as the key to breaking Germany 's encirclement while Neville Chamberlain excused his appeasement of Hitler with the excuse that he knew nothing about the Czechs .
27 Ivan III had established several thousand new landowners on the estates confiscated from the victims of his conquest of Novgorod in the 1470s .
28 The circular or quinary system of Swainson interested some of the more speculative minds of the next generation , including Huxley , A. R. Wallace ( who annotated his copy of Swainson on the geographical distribution of animals ) , and Darwin ( who had copies made of MacLeay 's writings in order to criticize them ) .
29 To test the validity of this notion and to identify potential risk factors for RP , we reviewed our cases of RP at The Mount Sinai Hospital and compared the pathological features of their colectomy specimens as well as their clinical features to those of a control group without RP .
30 This is proved by a letter from one Mr. Wildhagen to Sir William le Fleming and dated the 19 October 1721 : " hellip ; your honr know it is impossible for the men to work att your Fells of Conistone in the winter season for long as their houses are unbuilt , they haveing so far to come and go to thir lodgings …
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