Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] over [art] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 My advantage over the rest of the managers is that I can manipulate my time more .
2 ‘ Since we 're obviously about to enter a discussion on ethics , may I suggest it might be more comfortable to do so in my apartment over a cup of coffee and a glass of aquavit ? ’
3 There is a corker gathering steam not far from my cottage over the siting of a compost heap .
4 I used to take it out sometimes , undo the little golden clasp , and run my fingers over the softness of the velvet inside .
5 I went over and ran my fingers over the length of the flexor tendons , feeling for signs of thickening .
6 Very slowly I took my weight on the good hand and slid my feet over the rim of the tub .
7 ‘ Of course , I agreed to carry his bag like a shot , and the Irish golfer gave me some very basic instruction in my duties over a couple of pints of the dark stuff from his native land .
8 I 'm in a band , and when I get back from England I 'm going into the studio to do an album of music with my comedy over the top of it .
9 During my attacks , I had to lie face down , with my head over the side of the bed .
10 Next week I shall take my wife over every inch of this lovely island , which I and my cousin consecrated many years ago , when our destiny seemed assured and likely to be shared .
11 ‘ I was making my way over a field to the hives when I ‘ sort of ’ tripped over one of them and the bees came at me , ’ he said .
12 I felt my way over the coronet to the fetlock and after some palpation I located a spot near the distal end of the metacarpus which was painful on pressure .
13 ‘ We will probably have a party for her at my house over the weekend with some fireworks . ’
14 It 's silly things like that which get in the way of the actual show , so for the next series , I suggested a couch , low enough for me to put my arm over the back of it , but high enough to stop me sliding off on to the floor .
15 The party — itself in disarray from scandals and factionalism — expressed its discontent over the deal by boycotting the vote to extend the Diet session , an act widely interpreted as indicating the dissolution of the party 's alliance with the LDP .
16 The pioneering example here is a mammoth longitudinal study undertaken and described in a six volume work by Terman and his colleagues who , beginning in 1921 , selected a large group of so-called gifted children and then followed their progress over a period of thirty-five years .
17 She ran her fingers over the tracery of pattern , following the curls and rings …
18 Conflict arose when their wishes over the use of club funds towards a Coronation carnival were ignored by the men .
19 Liberated serfs would then redeem their debts over a period of years .
20 and re-form beautiful groupings as they weave their patterns over the stage in softly projected shafts of light .
21 Clearly , the circuit behaves as a rejection filter and figure 8.8(c) gives its response over a range of frequencies either side of the rejection frequency .
22 THE NUNS in Northamptonshire who are battling to save their 5,000 chickens from slaughter said yesterday that the Ministry of Agriculture had changed its story over the type of salmonella responsible for the outbreak of food poisoning which led to the flock being tested .
23 According to the International Committee of the Red Cross ( ICRC ) , more than 280,000 people had left their homes over the period of the fighting .
24 They went to Oakport Woods , leaving their bicycles at the big iron gate , and walking with their books over the grass to the belt of trees along Oakport Lake .
25 ‘ What would have been Britain 's level of development had millions of them been put to work as slaves outside of their homeland over a period of four centuries ? ’ asks Guyanese professor of history Walter Rodney .
26 Long before experts scratched their heads over the increase in teenage pregnancies , Shakespeare 's Romeo and Juliet demonstrated the essential hotheadedness , spontaneity and damn-the-consequences timeframes of teenagers .
27 By expanding their rule over the rest of Spain the Romans acquired the Douro , the Tagus and the mineral deposits of the Asturias .
28 She turned her head to direct her glance over the man at the wheel .
29 Shadow ministers who visited Washington thus found themselves at the centre of considerable attention , and were probed in detail on their thinking over a range of issues .
30 She felt his warm stickiness on her tongue , and rolled it around her mouth before placing her lips over the tip of his dying penis to suck up the last few drops .
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