Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] but also [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I became a Market Gardener and my parents and sisters spent a lot of time not only on my costume but also in the decoration of my wheelbarrow .
2 It has the added advantage that it accentuates the role of the cycle as a benign form of transport , one which can bestow peace and tranquillity not only on its user but also on the general urban scene .
3 The demand for particular assets depends not only on their characteristics but also on the institutional make-up of the financial system .
4 The committee is looking at ideas for mementoes of the Royal occasion not just for Her Majesty but also for the staff of Drummond House .
5 And , finally , why is it that black kids find support for the idea that they have only limited employment opportunities ahead of them , not only from their peers but also from the school ?
6 The fact that shares and deposits of the personal sector feature so largely among building society liabilities is partly the result of their origins but also of the way in which building society interest is taxed .
7 This may be distressing not only to the child and his or her parents but also to the unit staff who have got to know the pupil well .
8 By this time the Duchess was at screaming pitch — not only with her husband but also with the Palace courtiers and staff , who had never liked her .
9 We are not against unions , we are for unions , unions can be very useful not only for their members but also for the management , we recognise that .
10 Edward 's desire to rid himself of the burden and embarrassment of Scotland was shared not only by his subjects but also by the pope , whose concern for peace in England , a prerequisite for a crusade , was once again evident .
11 Bell has a small but significant place in English architectural history , not only for the strength of his designs but also as an occasional architect coming , unusually , from the mercantile community rather than from the court or the gentry .
12 That Minton had responded on many levels is evident not only from his paintings but also from an illustrated article which he wrote for Vogue .
13 In his famous and beautifully illustrated book Les Promenades de Paris ( 2 vols , 1867 — 73 ) Alphand talks not only of his landscaping but also of the flowers , shrubs , and trees which he used to ornament his creations , while his illustrations show details of the furnishings and small kiosks and pavilions which were established in the parks .
14 Memories become bitter-sweet events in our lives that remind us of our grief but also of the pleasure of the relationship we had .
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