Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] it be [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Wh what I mean to say is I could n't in advance guess which field it was that you were going to want at any particular moment .
2 Erm I forget which discussant it was but it it 's wrong to think that there 's a difference I think between erm me , I was being characteritured as wanting a site specific policy , and Harrogate who were being characteritured as wanting a criteria based policy .
3 And erm so we set off and I ca n't remember which village it was but it was towards the Humber Estuary somewhere and it was what I call a cul-de-sac village .
4 And er I do do n't know which day it was but she was sitting there fed up second day I 'm thinking she said well I , I 'm going home tomorrow , so I said no you 're staying in for the week !
5 their rates it 's because they are paying that 's all !
6 Equally , the discomfort associated with gonorrhoea is usually of a greater order , and men who have suffered repeated attacks of both infections can usually tell which infection it is that they have on any given occasion .
7 And er the dialect today whenever this experiments was which year it was but it said today .
8 I do expect occasionally to have temper , because it is only when we are discussing the right subjects that temper will arise : if people lose their tempers it is because they are emotionally involved in the problem , and we are probably talking on a subject which needs to be aired .
9 So when it does I 'll know which ones it is and I 'll sever it .
10 I do n't know whose idea it is that it goes on and on .
11 A Private Bill proposal almost invariably emanates from the person or organisation in whose interest it is that it should be promoted .
12 If Wooderson was any different from his fellows it was that he tried harder ; he had the old equivalent of tunnel vision , enhanced by a coach , Albert Hill , who had won the 800 and 1500 metres at a single Olympics .
13 If Richard Burton was lucky in his background it was because he made his luck .
14 Well the advice Mrs then is if you know what variety it is and you know it 's a variety tough enough to grow outdoors like er Peregrine , then send protection at the susceptible time of the year when the blossom 's out , otherwise er if it is a tend a more tender variety we do n't think er the thing is going to survive and certainly not going to fruit .
15 As can be seen from the above it is possible to give questions a greater focus of purpose by considering what process it is that you wish the pupils to go through .
16 Tug had forgotten what day it was until he heard the bells .
17 You must describe to yourself precisely what behaviour it is that you are going to observe .
18 inch by two and you had to tell these dockers what size it was and they 'd take it out of that particular stack .
19 ‘ Only when it was in the net did I realise what size it was and it weighed 26 ob 8 oz , ’ added John who went on to bank five other pike , two of 8 lb 8 oz , and others of 10 lb , 11lb and 14 lb .
20 no hope we do n't lose it on that Tim , it 's got all my money in at the moment , it 's a really good one is n't it , we 're really enjoying it at the moment does n't what number it is but we just , what do we do with this ?
21 I do n't know what century it is but it 's it 's a crazy attitude !
22 It was n't until erm oh I do n't know what year it was when it was open compete and everybody including professionals
23 For the clinical and educational professions ( and the lay notions which derive their values from them ) , their very practice makes it clear what fact it is that you ‘ come to terms ’ with : you have not given birth to a member of the human species as we define it , and to which we allocate certain rights and social roles , but to an object of pathology — a ‘ monster ’ , to use a technical term employed in medical anatomy .
24 I do n't know what time it was but it must have been late . ’
25 Well I do n't know what make it was but it came from the house , the furnishing company of Union Street , Plymouth I ca n't remember the shop .
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