Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] have [be] [vb pp] for " in BNC.

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1 Mr Bell said : ‘ My programme has been set for many weeks and every day is tied up . ’
2 Questions range from the extreme — ‘ My client 's been arrested for murder ’ — to the mundane — ‘ I have just received a mailshot from another firm which is quite appalling . ’
3 She showed up in her Rolls in the car park of the supermarket , and , although there was a lot of nodding and smiling and remarks about coincidences , it was pretty clear that her presence had been arranged for someone 's benefit .
4 Its presence has been seen for 2,000 years throughout the acrimonious purgings of innocent human life in the witchcraft genocides ; through the long systematic persecution then culmination in horrific holocausting of Jesus 's own people — the tribe of Judah .
5 Unilateralists felt that their case had been made for them ; and they became more determined than ever to get rid of nuclear weapons altogether .
6 Schools that have had an HMI inspection have found that much of their work has been done for them — though it is difficult to imagine that schools will therefore be applying in large numbers for a full inspection !
7 ‘ The Law Society is proud that a solicitor and member of its Council has been chosen for the important post of Chair of the Equal Opportunities Commission .
8 Their boats have been used for the Royal Lymington Cup and the Air Canada Industry Sailing Challenge , as well as the Chartered Surveyors ' Regatta and many other similar events .
9 Andrew MacKinlay , the Labour MP who has campaigned on the matter , has highlighted the case of one widow , now aged 98 , who only recently steeled herself to admit to her family that her husband had been executed for cowardice .
10 It had long been a controversial issue and its approval had been delayed for years because of worries about the environmental consequences and the cost of the project .
11 For you , the only safe commerce with reason is to learn from your superiors the dogmata in which her deliverances have been codified for general use .
12 He reminded them of how their predecessors had been punished for their wickedness and repeatedly urged obedience to the commands of the Church .
13 Even her departure had been delayed for weeks for want of the funds necessary to fit out her ship and escort .
14 Their method has been designed for recovering a GEM from water — not easy because any bacteria in it are much less abundant than , say in soil .
15 Some semantic data-base models such as Taxis also provide this capability and their expressiveness has been examined for text [ 1 ] .
16 Amiss recalled a discreet chamber tucked away at the back of the building which appeared from its decor and its furniture to have been designed for the entertainment of a compliant lady .
17 Their arrival had been delayed for a fortnight after Gen. Farah Aydid claimed on July 7 that an aircraft with UN markings bringing food aid had also carried from Nairobi military equipment and counterfeit money for his rival , Somalia 's transitional President , Ali Mahdi Mohammed .
18 Survivors thought their vehicles had been stopped for a security check ; the shock of what they 'd seen sent this young Palestinian into deep trauma .
19 copies of reports prepared for the purposes of the concentration and from which information has been taken for the purposes of the Form CO ;
20 Its history has been written for Paris by the novelist Zola .
21 Smaller theatres striving to balance budgets and improve quality in marketing and production , etc will now have greater difficulty than before because their grants have been frozen for another year .
22 ( However , this does happen occasionally and the relocation companies report that their services have been used for senior new appointments and for technical specialists . )
23 If the business has different sections or different sites , you should enquire whether all its employees have been considered for redundancy or whether your particular part of the operation is the only one which has come under scrutiny for cut-backs .
24 Bomber Command itself was situated at High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire and from there the orders were sent out every day to each Group Headquarters , indicating which target had been selected for that night 's operation , and the Groups then sent on the information to the Commanding Officers at each of the air fields , or ‘ out-stations ’ .
25 So , when an orphaned leopard cub was found after her mother had been killed for her skin , the infant was brought to him in the hope that he could rear it .
26 Johnson ( 1971 , p. 283 ) points out that , historically , the emphasis ‘ in Britain has been almost exclusively on procedures which would enable Parliament to exercise a post facto check on the manner in which monies had been spent for the purposes approved by ( but not proposed by ) Parliament ’ .
27 He spoke of the close links what had been forged through trade with Spain and Portugal , whose wines had been exchanged for skins , wool and fish .
28 Now these companies have large grants already and a 2.3 per cent increase is a very large sum of money compared with , for example , a small theatre whose grant is half this increase and whose subsidy has been frozen for 1993/94 .
29 Leszek Balcerowicz , the Finance Minister and deputy Prime Minister , announced on Aug. 5 that he would resign after the parliamentary elections planned for October , saying that his decision had been made for family reasons .
30 As he wrote the words , he knew quite well that his grave had been dug for him the day before , once a reprieve had been refused .
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