Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] be [verb] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps if My Lady were to wait for him tonight , there in the dark , he might recite some love poetry … a sonnet he has composed ? ’
2 Government grant and my parents are paying for it anyway .
3 My friend is waiting for me . ’
4 My wife is waiting for me , ’ I said .
5 Later still , my realisation was confirmed for me when I read the following statement from one of Bruch 's patients : ‘ I am completely isolated , I sit in a glass sphere .
6 ‘ The only disappointment from my point of view was that the timetable for my leaving was chosen for me .
7 What we find is that sometimes people have taken out policies some years ago and they 've actually forgotten what their money 's doing for them so erm that 's another side of it and also to introduce our new financial planning service erm and in doing so we may be able to highlight areas in which we could save you money er for example erm saving you money on tax or increasing your income either now or some time in the future .
8 When he arrived at work that morning the result of their labours was waiting for him in a blue folder .
9 In 1681 King Charles II visited Winchester to inspect progress on a palace which Wren was building for him there as a base for hawking and hunting in the Hampshire hills and forests .
10 Her mouth was searching for him , and giving to him .
11 Also in the intertidal zones , animals find that much of their work is done for them .
12 In fact they had known all about Crabb 's venture before they arrived at Portsmouth and their frogmen were waiting for him as he approached the cruiser .
13 Their napkins were kept for them in specially designed pigeon-holes to which they homed on entering , before head-ing for their tables .
14 Or rather , their memoirs were launched for them at a glib and glitzy party by Heinemann , the publishers .
15 There can be no control over how its decisions are made for it is not democratic .
16 Parents are now having second thoughts : ‘ I 've heard people saying they would n't have chosen to put their children in school , but their friends were going for it and they were afraid they would miss out , ’ she said .
17 She had protected herself but became aware that her womb was weeping for her .
18 ‘ And Spain was a cosy hideaway for our export villains ; ergo , her boyfriend was waiting for her to join him on the Costa del Crook . ’
19 A degree of interaction between themselves and their source is required for them to act in this capacity .
20 Some of her happiest hours were passed in making these costumes and she found that time flew by — it seemed she had barely started before her mother was calling for her to have her bath and go to bed .
21 Late in the morning Valeria suggested we should all go down and have breakfast , and as we came down the staircase we saw to our horror that her mother was waiting for us at the bottom .
22 Then when I reached the Mess , you letter was waiting for me , and it made me happy and sad at once , and I just HAD to write you a note , though I ca n't post it tonight .
23 The most successful group in Britain at this time was Frankie Goes To Hollywood whose career was manufactured for them .
24 But that Thy Blood was shed for me ,
25 His Excellency is waiting for you , my dear . ’
26 With Minton 's help he obtained work at the Royal College as an artist 's model until he decided to return home where his future was secured for him through marriage and the management of a pub .
27 He was waiting for her outside and wasted little time in virtually hustling her outside to where his car was waiting for them .
28 His father is arranging for him to go to London .
29 ‘ No , no , his aunt is coming for him .
30 A steward wearing d'Aubigny 's livery , blue with silver fleur de lys , announced His Lordship was waiting for us outside .
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