Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pos pn] [noun pl] [modal v] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Should we flatter ourselves that our descendants will find our concerns of the utmost importance ?
2 I and my colleagues will do everything possible to ensure a proper case is put in Brussels . ’
3 Provided that I and my colleagues could keep going until 10 o'clock , the fate of the Bill would be decided by whether 98 hon. Members returned from dinner or 102 .
4 ‘ Can you tell me that your men will fight on after you fall ?
5 Snotlings are an oddball troop type with more to recommend them than their profiles might suggest .
6 He had been passed by two or three cars , but consoled himself that their drivers would have no idea who he was .
7 ‘ I think the ordeal of the big occasion would have affected me and my nerves would have got the better of me .
8 The day after the return day you or your agents must check with the court to see if your debtor has returned his part of the summons .
9 Unless you can guess which of the three is Roksanda , neither you nor your svats shall leave this place alive ! "
10 But if you kill my husband , or anyone else , then I promise you that your brothers will die , on the tarmac in front of that plane .
11 Meanwhile , she and her colleagues would take responsibility for ministries under a government formally headed by the acting President , Chief Justice Shehabuddin Ahmed , who administered the oath of office to Begum Zia , 11 other Cabinet members , and 21 ministers of state , all belonging to the BNP .
12 When she was a child in the adjoining village of Tunstall , nearly eighty years ago , she and her companions used to chant the following rhyme as they watched the turning sails :
13 Whenever there is a chance , she and her partners will emerge and stir up trouble .
14 You and your friends would have been accorded places of honour , ’ said Oisin , ‘ for certainly you have one of the strangest stories ever told . ’
15 This is an invaluable reference book which will explain the puzzling and amusing references to British life that you and your students may encounter in reading or conversation .
16 So both you and your students can find your way around without any difficulty .
17 The unique Options section provides a vast menu of extra activities from which you and your students can pick and choose according to your own needs .
18 " When you learned that " , said Innocent , " you and your masters must have drunk too much English beer " .
19 ‘ Well , ’ said the courier , ‘ you and your confederates must accomplish what you came to do .
20 You and your readers should have a more factual account of the Ariane launcher success rate than you recently presented ( Forum , 10 February , p 392 ) .
21 For one month you and your companions will live together on an uninhabited island to show just how resourceful , brave and fit the young people of this country are .
22 Of course , for early EDI users , getting two computers , one 's own and one belonging to a trading partner , to talk to one another , was quite enough of a challenge , without worrying about other people you and your partners might want to communicate with some time in the future .
23 I trust that the above is acceptable to you and I should be grateful if you and your colleagues would sign a copy of this letter …
24 If I refuse , you and your colleagues will make sure that those notes of mine find their way to the KGB , and I will be exposed as a traitor .
25 You and your colleagues will need to consider how you could exploit the business of Name working within the ABC Plc Group .
26 Any contribution , no matter how small , is very much appreciated and I am sure that you and your colleagues will have a lot of fun at the same time !
27 After ninety bruising minutes in the mire that is ‘ The Tip ’ , the last thing we or our opponents will want on a fridge-like February Saturday , is a three-mile walk to the local Duck and Forceps ' washroom , caked in mud and soggy shorts smelling as evil as a gypsy 's knickers .
28 The additional fees which this firm earns from pure audit , as opposed to accounting , taxation and other services , are nowhere near enough to cover the additional costs of regulation and both we and our clients would welcome abolition .
29 It 's all right for them because their kids can go on holiday with them so they 've got no problems .
30 Naturally , either they or their solicitors can use a Scottish solicitor or agent to help them , but unless the debt is sizeable the tendency is to consider this too much time , trouble and expense .
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