Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [vb past] her [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The twins were demanding — in the first few years she thought she would go mad from lack of sleep and overwork — but at least they touched her and hugged her and kissed her and loved her .
2 They went up to her and calmed her and helped her to bed .
3 Lee took them from her and kissed her and whispered in her ear : ‘ Be nice to Conrad , ’ because she knew Philippa considered him decadent and damned .
4 The twins were demanding — in the first few years she thought she would go mad from lack of sleep and overwork — but at least they touched her and hugged her and kissed her and loved her .
5 The anxieties and misgivings of the past few days disappeared as though they had never been , as Johnny kissed her and touched her and told her of his need for her ; of his despair when she had not come to him .
6 Granny plucked her and stuffed her and basted her and served her to the table , golden and gleaming .
7 ‘ Old bass-voiced Ethel Walker , ’ Woolf called her and described her as having a ‘ rough-raddled charm , the result of living a regular herring grillers life ’ .
8 Granny plucked her and stuffed her and basted her and served her to the table , golden and gleaming .
9 The first was that , although several people recognized her and stopped her and peered into the pram saying ‘ Ah ’ , to none of them could she have begun to say what was on her mind .
10 I kissed her and held her and tried to get out of the house without saying goodbye to anyone .
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