Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pers pn] be [adv] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 The clergy either notice nothing or they are n't telling .
2 In order not to obliterate its intuitive meaning , and yet satisfy ourselves that we are not falling into a subtle trap , we denote the constant polynomial ( a , 0,0 , … ) in J[x] once again by
3 So do I and I was just talking to her downstairs and I was asking her like the differences between here and the States , you know the boar cos she was in a boarding school before , and she was saying erm how you know just generally the people are nicer and the blokes talk to you not just because you 're cos they
4 And when I started putting on weight I and I 'm still putting on weight .
5 Well he ca n't have yours cos he 's not doing compiling that
6 and I bought this I mean I cos I was n't paying cash wanted .
7 like everyone like you talk to someone and they 're like throwing up all the technical information
8 You could perhaps team up with somebody else if you wanted to , so if you see someone and we 're just going through the order in which they appear .
9 You do hate them so you 're not having any .
10 And a couple of weeks ago I was at a chemical engineering company where the managing director told me that they were now using accountants for their safety experiments instead of rats .
11 When we were discussing these issues in our Working Group the teachers often reminded me that we were not preparing a thesis for university dons .
12 We are a whole and this is the me that I am now writing about .
13 I knew perfectly well when I allowed Karen Parsons to seduce me that I was not acting rightly .
14 Each time I had tried to discharge myself from his surgery , he had reassured me that I was not shamming , there really was something wrong with me .
15 It decided me that I was n't going to be good enough to make the grade .
16 It was n't until the final two weeks of term that it really hit me that I was actually going to have to go .
17 It seems to me that she 's also saying , it 's also a plea , on Charlotte Bronte 's behalf to men , to want women who come to them developed , independent and
18 AUTHOR Jeffrey Archer tells me that he is still signing his name ‘ Jeffrey Archer ’ in his books , rejecting the easy option available since his peerage of signing just ‘ Archer ’ .
19 Eventually it dawned on me that he was n't going to change and I had the choice of either leaving or learning to live with it .
20 ‘ What could he do for me that you 're not doing ?
21 ‘ And the senator tells me that you 're only doing a two-week trial with his kids , is that right ? ’
22 ‘ That 's a very touching story , but it 'll take a little more than that to convince me that you were n't heading for the exit . ’
23 But soon the colleges came to grips with Little Shop of Horrors as a topic for campus debate the world over , and they decided that Corman was telling them that he was not trying to hide the fact that it was a cheaply made film — this was the one he shot in two days — but he was n't trying to pass it off as serious movie-making either .
24 It 's the only dignified way of telling them that you 're not going to be made a fool of any longer and you 're not going to be dragged down to their level . ’
25 I really I was seeing her , because I was n't happy about the publicity , the way it had described audio description I did n't think it was good and Alex was unhappy about the way they were describing some language things , which cos they 're not doing erm , and we just went in and he just said right just , erm well I 've kept you some seats for a performance on the sixteenth of September , this was about the
26 He told Stirling that he needed his best men himself and he was not going to allow them to join the SAS after the ‘ failure at Benghazi ’ .
27 Fleury had no time to draw his final weapon , the two-bladed Indian dagger , for his adversary , it turned out , was no less impressively armed than he was himself and he was already flourishing a spare sabre which he had been carrying for just such an emergency .
28 He said he could do them himself because I 'm not having .
29 ‘ What does he do with himself when he 's not pinching waitresses ? ’ asked Milton .
30 Keeping the legs straight , raise them until they are almost vertical and then lower them until they are almost touching the floor .
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