Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] [verb] to " in BNC.

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1 Yeah , Could I also just quickly comment on the differences between columns H and I that you 've referred to .
2 What people everyone that you 've spoken to ?
3 ‘ At least tell me that you have come to no harm in your adventuring , ’ he said , and , wonderfully , his voice was pleading .
4 What they would say is that we have to , perhaps we do have to leave things to the individual , but we should leave as little possible to individuals , as little as practically possible so that we should the people involved in making all the important decisions , particularly the carrying out of them that we have to leave to particular appointed individuals .
5 Before I tell them that I need to talk to the girl .
6 Now , we have to get over to people this changed idea , and it has n't been got over because nobody that I 've listened to , or talked to , knows , in fact people say , what does the parish council do ?
7 I would n't talk to everyone like I 've talked to you . ’
8 He said : ‘ It 's hard to get clothes to fit me and I have to go to the markets .
9 If you do not , it will look very bad for you if I have to go to the police with this new piece of information about the letter . ’
10 ‘ Can I phone you if I need to speak to someone ? ’
11 planning applications and er er items relating to Poor Lane , er and also the traffic on Station Road later on , er I think it 's rather complicated to talk about all of these at at one go , because I know er different members of the public have come for different reasons and perhaps , for the moment , I 'll not ask for any comments about Mr Smith 's proposals on Poor Lane , er nor er comments about Station Road , er but I will ask you if you want to refer to planning applications , er we have three planning applications , one is to extend the car park behind the pub , one is for a change of plan to one of the houses on the development adjacent to us , er and the third one is er er the plans submitted by Grant Development at Thorney , erm , I suspect most comments will be about the last , er perhaps I should ask first if anybody wants to make any comments about proposals behind the reindeer in , or at Chapel cottage site , does anybody , er in the public want to mention those erm , well we will go on to the one at Thorney then , and you 're Mr Walker ?
12 Yes good , cos everything that we do has to be very careful recorded and taking the photographs and doing the the drawings and sketches that 's one of the ways of recording .
13 Everything that they borrow has to be put against basic credit approvals .
14 It seems necessary to remind de Man ( who claims that " deconstruction is not something that we have added to the text but it constituted it in the first place " ) of Todorov 's statement that de Man himself quotes in Blindness and Insight :
15 Whatever it might be that interests you , but something that you 've got to be thinking about , in your share time .
16 Right well that 's something that 's something that you 've got to you 've got to differentiate .
17 It is something that the government needs to look at and indeed it goes hand in hand er with the need to overall the whole regulatory system er which is something that I 've referred to often enough before er and I have no hesitation in repeating it again .
18 Er this next form is basically one that we have to send to the Benefit Office
19 No , I ca n't say I like any of these jobs — I do them because they 've got to be done : I 'm here and I 've got to do them ( all said in a dragging monotone ) .
20 ‘ Do I tell him that we assume Riddle to be dead ? ’
21 I shall go to him to tell him that you want to speak to him personally and do not want to tell anybody else the reason .
22 Thus while we could take 123 as being about the Poet 's constancy to his Friend , even though we have neither Thou nor He form referring to the Friend ( ‘ No , Time , thou shalt not boast that I do change/ …
23 You must promise that you will show it to him as you have done to me . ’
24 ‘ I 've lost my shadow , Monsoon , and must find it if I have to go to the end of the Earth .
25 I remember there was a period when no-one was speaking to anyone and I recall going to the island of Mustique and being there a few weeks just before the final split .
26 sold it now , different people got it and they 've gone to Amer going to America yeah that was them , ever so nice girl she is and her children , two lovely girls and a boy of about sixteen I suppose , lovely girl she was , and they were frightened to go anywhere .
27 There is utter and total confusion and anything that stands still they used to say they would paint it in industry they now say market test it and they do admit to us that the end object does not necessarily mean complete contractorization or privatization , but at this particular moment in time
28 He comes once a week with it and I 've got to be careful to make them last .
29 And er Alan keeps saying , you can do it but you have to wait to the next programme coming through and I specifically asked for Liz to put it on .
30 Some do it because they want to belong to a group where sniffing happens to be part of the group 's activities .
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