Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pers pn] [vb past] [pron] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 God I were in the market and I thought I 'd better take a bit more wrapping paper and I and I had it I said that 's ten and of course I get on the and I did n't know
2 I mean we would n't of known , I never saw that erm , you know diamond thing with , four , I mean even then I when we bought them I was thinking four sixty fives , that 'll be two sixty and erm three sixty , so you save a bit really do n't you ?
3 We all liked wearing them so I made everybody one in flowery silk . ’
4 The Guv'nor told me to ride Ile de Bourbon in the big race telling me that I knew what he could do and that win was the biggest of my career so far but I 'll always remember Lester who had finished nearly last padding disconsolately into the weighing room and asking me ‘ Did you know your horse had improved so much ’ .
5 It pleases me that she called me my darling and not my little prodigy as she once did ; this is the best sign yet that I am winning her back .
6 Although the Bible 's claim for itself is that God did directly speak through men , and that he so controlled them that they said what he wanted them to say , it is clear also that the men concerned used their own minds in the process .
7 ‘ He was an amalgam at the beginning , but then he became himself and I forgot who he was an amalgam of .
8 It 's thought that the husband killed his wife and then turned the gun on himself after she told him she wanted a divorce Their bodies were found by their daughter .
9 One was slung over my shoulder one had got sort of between two limbs I suspect , holding it round the back like that , and another one was over a protrusion that just seemed handy to hold the lot , and as I walked down the street of course suddenly everybody was glancing at me and I realized what I appeared to be doing .
10 The clerk turned to me and I gave him my passport and put down eleven packets and envelopes on the counter for posting .
11 ‘ I did an interview with the Utah Review , this student paper , and at the end they asked me if I had anything I wanted to add .
12 On the way to the station we heard a kerbstone musician playing the concertina , and Eliot , struck by the tune , asked me if I knew what it was .
13 But I got talking to one of them and he told me he 'd just come out of prison where he 'd done time for soliciting .
14 He was angry about the comments , denied making them and I accepted what he said .
15 Anyway , he 's alright by me cos he lent me his Porsche .
16 In both cases the creditor had left it to the debtor husband to deal with the surety , his wife , and had done nothing to satisfy itself that she understood what she was doing or to protect her from abuse by the debtor of the influence and reliance that would be likely to be present .
17 He 'd stand by you if you did what he wanted — even if you failed .
18 I 've even had a letter from Lady Mayhew who before she realized who it was , found herself asking Anna for the whereabouts of Dijon mustard . ’
19 ‘ Maybe I heard you when you told me you were going home , but I was miles away .
20 She was like a little princess in the family ; my mother gave in to her in everything and she had whatever she fancied .
21 No , I , I was there an and they were selling cheeses so , I have them every year really , and I 'm just finishing one and I got one I got five .
22 ‘ Perhaps I 'd be able to contribute something if I knew what you were talking about . ’
23 A little crowd was encouraging them while they performed what somebody told me was a tango .
24 I answered him with lies , happy that he was so interested after I 'd been certain that he 'd never say a word to me : I told him that I grew it myself , my family grew it , and it was everywhere like green grass and empty milk bottles in London ; it was really amazing hashish. wherever I threw its seeds it sprang up like flames leaping into the air .
25 Cos I was telling her that you bought one she said oh why did n't you tell her , she could have had mine .
26 She hated him and she hated what he was capable of doing to her , but her hate was n't enough to stop herself from feeling the forbidden pleasure of his hands on her body .
27 The other children heating the boy 's cries ran to him and he told them what had happened , they searched the cutting and the area around the hut without success .
28 One of the biggest of all was about to challenge him and he knew what it would take .
29 ‘ He was very sick after the lion got him and he gave me his necklace .
30 said , if I ca n't come for that typewriter then I 've sold it , he said I , I told her if she wanted it she 'd got to come and collect it and he said and nobody asked for it , I said well I know
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