Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pron] is [v-ing] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Christophe Deylaud has been encouraged to express himself and he is improving in heaps and bounds .
2 A weekly flow chart , showing day by day and hour by hour , who and what is coming into an old person 's home to provide care , is useful in illustrating the reality of community care .
3 Can anyone expect Mr. Kiechle to stand up and explain everything that he is looking for ?
4 As John Netherwood , who was in charge of publicity and sponsorship in 1964 , said : ‘ To get sponsors you have to tell everybody that it is going to be the biggest event that ever was , otherwise they wo n't put their money in . ’
5 Accordingly , his introduction takes the form of a long conversation between himself and an old man , a Beggar , who approaches him while he is walking in the fields after a sleepless night at Chester 's Inn , where the clerks lived .
6 This was no great problem for Mr Berge ; being cocky and confident comes naturally to him whether he is presiding over his other little empire , the Yves Saint Laurent fashion house , or standing over a gaping hole in credibility .
7 The researcher has to have some idea of what he or she is looking for , even though the outcome may be unpredictable .
8 The growth of mail-order suppliers ( particularly for central heating ) and of do-it-yourself ‘ superstores ’ has made buying a less daunting task — no longer need the amateur feel embarrassed about not knowing exactly what he or she is looking for .
9 Or , does the scientist know first , what he or she is looking for , in order then , to select the information he or she needs .
10 We assume he or she is intending to :
11 A proxy may not vote at the same election for more than two people unless the proxy is a close relative ie husband , wife , parent , grandparent , brother , sister , child or grandchild of the people he or she is voting for .
12 When the honest shopper acts as I have just described , he or she is acting with the implied authority of the owner of the supermarket to take the goods from the shelf , put them in the trolley , take them to the checkpoint and there pay the correct price , at which moment the property in the goods will pass to the shopper for the first time .
13 Resorts to ridiculous tactics like sitting the interviewee on a small , armless chair opposite a window so that he or she is blinking in a stream of sunlight .
14 ( Incidentally , most bureau will buy in typefaces for clients so long as either the client pays for it or there is going to be sufficient volume of work to justify it . )
15 The longer the ‘ chain of causality ’ , as Gunn calls it , the more likely it that there is going to be a weak link in the chain .
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