Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pron] [vb mod] [be] in " in BNC.

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1 Yes , of ourselves because we should be in a peaceful .
2 ‘ Mrs Blackler of the agency advised me that you would be in touch . ’
3 Your inexperience told me that you must be in love with me — but I could n't be sure .
4 They 'll catch me and you 'll be in trouble . ’
5 That is rather a ponderous way of saying that no one in his right mind doubts the truth of my assertion about the states in which Bill will be found , because there are two of them and he must be in one or the other .
6 In the circumstances I must advise you that it would be in your best interest to accept this offer with no further delay .
7 If I can fulfil any of your needs just ring that bell behind you and I will be in attendance as quickly as possible . ’
8 I woke up , but I told myself it could n't be you because you 'd be in Yorkshire — ’
9 Robert Ludlum 's The Road to Omaha ( Grafton ) is an out-of-the-norm one and he will be in the UK to promote ; and Ruth Rendell 's Kissing the Gunner 's Daughter ( Arrow ) has just been on television and is wonderful .
10 Elsewhere Pemberton 's status as " reflector " ( seep 174 ) is evident in the assertion of statements which no one but he would be in a position to verify : " it cost hint such an effort to broach the subject of terms " .
11 I asked her to prepare everything as it might be in America , so that you would feel at home .
12 do n't no do n't say that to her or I 'll be in the dog house
13 You will tell him that it must be in secret and that it is very , very important .
14 Quickly she gave him a tip , also a message to be delivered to William Ash , warning him that she 'd be in contact with him as soon as she knew where Ace planned to base himself .
15 It seemed that the manager remembered it plainly , too , because as they entered the restaurant , he came from behind his desk like a bolted rabbit and , before Frau Nordern had time to speak , assured her that everything would be in order if only , his hands out wide , beseechingly , if only the gnädige Frau would give him a date .
16 The war had interrupted and postponed many a career , J's amongst them , and he had three years ' university ahead of him before he would be in any position to marry .
17 ( ii ) gave money to the addict in your life because he or she would be in trouble if you did not .
18 They are confident that , highly skilled and dedicated and absolutely tireless , the surgeon will treat each operation — no matter how many operations he or she carries out that day … that week … that year — as unique and fascinating , that he or she will be in top form — for them .
19 Endowment assigned to them , so they would see it , they would know it , they would check it and they 'd be in that position .
20 Better still , if you are anything of an artist , is then to transpose your scale plan to a three-dimensional drawing , preferably coloured , showing it as it will be in three or four years " time when the perennial plants are mature .
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