Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Er , I do n't need this do I if you 've got that ?
2 I said I was not I 'm not gon na be here Friday Saturday Sunday or Monday am I cos I 've got this holiday right .
3 After I after I 've eaten that bread .
4 He reminded me that I 'd predicted many , many things over the years and that so far nothing had come to anything apart from purely coincidental moves .
5 I then was sent a letter telling me that I 'd passed this exam , I then had what 's known as a medical to check that I was okay , there was no , I had no faults or injuries or health problems .
6 ‘ It seems to me that I 've got enough .
7 Maxine told me that she had known all the time that she was her twentieth-century self and that she was sitting in a comfortable chair in my consulting room .
8 I have n't seen anything that , that actually says , suggests to me that you 've got another , any other special cause between now and last autumn .
9 Do n't tell me that you 've forgotten that . ’
10 There was another reason , of course , but he was not prepared to admit even to himself that it had played any part in his decision .
11 Half Moon Crescent , he had repeated and repeated to himself as he 'd walked that night .
12 But if the master has made him a bailee of them so as to vest him with exclusive possession , then , like any other bailee of this sort , he has it ; so , too , if goods are delivered to him to hand to his master , he has possession of them until he has done some act which transfers it to his master , e.g .
13 The slight attack of dysentery had tired me and I had slept most of yesterday and again this morning .
14 And this is a question that always occurs to me and I 've read this novel several times , at the end of it why did she write it ?
15 I actually found it I know me and you have discussed this earlier on and I , I , I did n't find it I found it confusing to be honest with you .
16 I know another one — a friend of mine said : ‘ There 's a young PC lodging with me and he 's got all sorts of new ideas .
17 STOP ME if you 've heard this before , but I 've always considered Throwing Muses to be the Pixies ' most aloof siblings .
18 Stop me if you 've heard this , but one of those gunsels opened up on somebody at the rear entrance of the Regal Arms Hotel . ’
19 Ask them if they 've got some wooden
20 ‘ I just show the prisoners a picture of an aborted baby and I say to them if I had done that to a baby I deserve to be here , but what I am trying to do is prevent it happening . ’
21 From the viewpoint of this being and objective experiment , I would be a little bit worried about everyone knowing the nature of the experiment you had in mind , because , as you probably know , in industrial studies there 's a well-known effect , I think it 's called the Hawthorn effect , which merely by studying a group of people you change their behaviour and their output , simply because they know that you 're taking an interest in them and they 've got some idea of your expectations .
22 From the viewpoint of this being an objective experiment , I would be a little bit worried about everyone knowing the nature of the experiment you had in mind because , as you probably know , in industrial studies there 's a well known effect , I think it 's called the Hawthorne effect , which merely by studying a group of people you change their behaviour and their output simply because they know that you are taking an interest in them and they 've got some idea of your expectations .
23 And make sure when you leave the place I hope that you have washed them and you 've washed those .
24 I ai n't got no best pans , I 've had my pa most of my pans , they 've all near enough come from either Embassy cigarette coupons or Number Six coupons , and I 've still got them and I 've had some of them twenty bloody years , all them pans .
25 If she or I had taken more trouble I might have been convinced that all religious people were cruel hypocrites .
26 And a cobweb across an entrance hole tells you that nobody has passed that way for the past few hours , but little more .
27 I do n't know if I told you that we have acquired another cat ?
28 Mr Punch wishes to assure you that he has had many a good belly laugh from the magazine which bore his name for so many years .
29 ‘ Did n't Liz tell you that I 've written some books on the subject ? ’
30 ‘ Well , so would you if you 'd spent all night in them tunnels ! — How did you know I was in there , anyway ? ’
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