Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [prep] [adj] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 7.1 You shall indemnify us against all loss , actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever ( if any ) which we may incur either at common law or by statute in respect of personal injury to or the death of any person or in respect of any loss or destruction of or damage to property ( other than as a result of any default or neglect of ourselves or of any person for whom we are responsible ) which shall have occurred in connection with any work executed by you against this Order or shall be alleged to be attributable to some defect in the goods .
2 This order is given on the condition that ( without prejudice to the generality of Condition 7.1 ) you will indemnify us against all loss , actions , costs , claims , demands , expenses and liabilities whatsoever ( if any ) which we may incur either at common law or by statute ( other than as a result of any default or neglect of ourselves or of any person for whom we are responsible ) in respect of personal injury to , or the death of , any such employees , agents , sub-contractors or other representative while on our premises whether or not such persons are ( at the time when such personal injury or deaths are caused ) acting in the course of their employment .
3 There was also Mr Maddern , seated comfortably in the lounge-car as though in the drawing-room of his home-and after 45 trips across the Nullarbor to sell shoes in Kalgoorlie , I suppose that is how it felt .
4 It seems to me that at this level of textual analysis , translators generally face three main possibilities :
5 Although social workers were trained in dealing with stress , said Mr Gower , the whole subject of removing children from their parents was no less emotive for them than for other members of the community .
6 ( 1 ) If any applicant for the grant , renewal , or permanent transfer of a licence or for a regular extension of permitted hours , either by himself or by another person at the instigation of the applicant , attempts to influence a member of a licensing board to support his application at any time before its consideration by the board , he shall be guilty of an offence .
7 Ben parked his newly acquired BMW at the roadside and hoped it would be there when he returned , reassuring himself that in this place of utter solitude car thieves were n't likely to creep out of the hedgerows with duplicate keys .
8 The original edition in 1960 , ended the story in 1880 ; the new edition , revised and rewritten by Dr Leslie Hunt , brings the story up to date in all senses , relying on original historical research by Hunt himself and by many contributors to Johnson Matthey 's journal Platinum Metals Review ( founded 1957 ) , and on Hunt 's knowledge of modern industry It is lavishly illustrated , partly in colour .
9 We started off by having a shower together , which relaxed me and from that moment on there was a surprisingly intimate and friendly atmosphere .
10 You 'd be stupid to go across the stepping stones if you did n't have the power to jump from one to the other , pretty big , but the , so are the distances between them and at that time of the year the river was pretty high too and r rather boisterous , so it would n't be very pleasant if you had fallen in , but you 've got to have that but you 've also got to have stamina as you said , but it would n't have been any fun if you 'd got halfway across and your stamina had run out , then fire brigade called out , the fire brigade or something .
11 I , and my British parliamentary colleagues who think as they do , look forward to an increasingly close and warm cooperation with them and with other parliamentarians around Europe who share the vision of a united , free-trading , but not a federal Europe .
12 In addition to them and to other kinds of instrumental validation , consent can be given non-instrumental validation in many contexts .
13 Despite the cataclysmic statistics the demographers throw at us , families in many parts of Africa today will tell you that at certain times of the year they suffer from a severe labour shortage .
14 In the second quarter the better team play of the home side asserted itself and with good use of their right flank Mark Kendall and Roy Gordon showed up to good effect .
15 The Company after you because of that stunt with the blind spider .
16 It will not be easy for him to justify dismissing you because of any lack of capability on your part where that could have been anticipated when you were originally offered the job .
17 I like you because by extended repetition in these verses extended repetition in these verses This my commentary , John assures his readers that in spite of the ra the regulatio test contained in the letter .
18 It is not normal ( in the strict sense of the word ) for a young person to be attracted to a greatly older one nor for old age to be seen as a highly desirable or essential sexual attribute .
19 And , you know , the sort of things which you can remember , which I can remember , some of the glorious ones , one when I was working up in Lancashire , about this time of year when the , the new May Day Bank Holiday was announced in about nineteen seventy-two or three or something and through five editions of the Lancashire Evening Post was a headline which said ‘ New Pubic Holiday ’ .
20 To pay for the considerable expense of running the hospital , the directors of Ca'Granda offered portraits to any worthy donor , the portrait to be painted full face for a large contribution , profile for a much smaller one and in various degrees between the two .
21 ‘ She was referred to me because of increasing episodes of stopping breathing . ’
22 ‘ It turned out to be extremely good for me because within twenty-four hours of leaving I was asked to go to Hollywood and prepare Scrooge for Paramount Pictures .
23 A person is entitled to act for the protection of livestock if either the livestock or the land on which it is belongs to him or to any person under whose express or implied authority he is acting ; and he is deemed to be acting for their protection if and only if , either :
24 Mary 's nobles detested her insolent consort almost as much as she did and , either from genuine loyalty to her or in devious application of their own power politics , conspired to remove him .
25 The Doctor had wanted to run straight back into danger , as was his wont , but she had persuaded him that on this occasion at least , some forethought and preparation would be a better idea than just leaving everything to chance and inspiration , particularly as the former seemed hell bent on giving them a hard time of things .
26 She should have told her that after thirty-six years of marriage she 'd discovered her husband was a homosexual , the explanation of everything .
27 The man was unconscious when his wife found him and despite 40 minutes of intensive life-saving efforts the man died .
28 Despite his pride and his knowledge of her prejudice against him , he takes the risk of declaring his affection and allows Eliza to pour scorn on him and on any idea of love between them .
29 more she by him and by those years of waiting
30 Isa Blagden found her weeping over this one afternoon and took the time to console her , pointing out that soon , in her new position , Oreste would join her and at two years of age would quickly become hers again .
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