Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] into a " in BNC.

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1 One day he came up behind me and pushed me into a metal locker .
2 Their company seemed to drain me and send me into a state of nervous exhaustion after even a short while .
3 ‘ I was walking home from school and a masked man grabbed me and hauled me into a car .
4 Actually my son 's rather disappointed , he was hoping to farm them and train them into a novelty act .
5 Then there was a heavy pause , like the moment a ball must feel between the time it 's thrown up and the time it starts to come down , and something picked up all three of them and slid them into a struggling heap .
6 But it came too late for him to do anything about it , for when he straightened up and turned towards the bank the bullet hit him in the chest and his body seemed to disintegrate and fly in all directions , and he knew that death was on him and that it was something that divided you into a million parts and each fragment screamed as it flung itself into eternity .
7 In this way Ulthuan drains magic out of the known world and prevents the tide of magic overwhelming everything and turning it into a seething realm of Chaos .
8 Windeler took the sheet from him and slipped it into a drawer in the desk .
9 Valerie looked cautiously round , then , lowering her voice , said : ‘ Weeks ago our little kitten ran into the wood , and she caught him and turned him into a witch 's cat . ’
10 As a result her handsome husband shrank into a shrivelled old man until he was so deformed the gods took pity on him and turned him into a cicada — one of the first creatures to excitedly greet the dawn on a warm summer 's day .
11 Johnny Kirk , whose family had been connected with the ‘ mayor-making ’ over the years , said they did not want to make a big production of it or turn it into a tourist attraction ; they wanted to keep it as it was , ‘ a local event for local people ’ .
12 So what was it that pushed them into a far more extreme position towards Mary than that of 1558 ?
13 And so , when you come to the bible and you read the account of Jesus here on the earth , turning the water into wine , of Jesus stilling the storm , when you into the old testament and you read accounts there of the children of Israel , of the me , of the tremendous miracles that were performed by Jehovah , God for them well of course , there 's a natural explanation to it , because you ca n't do these things , there are natural laws that stop you doing them you can not take a glass of water , even if you 're God , you can not take it and make it into a glass of wine instantly , it 's got natural processes to go through .
14 She feels full of it and moulds it into a glowing ball deep within .
15 If we examine their structure , we shall perceive the way in which the wishful purpose that is at work has mixed up the material of which they are built , has rearranged it and formed it into a new whole .
16 There were plans to revive it and turn it into an Ulster Loyalist pressure group when a leading member , Archibald Whitmore , an ex-member of the Ulster Volunteer Force , announced to influential people at the Bath Club that he planned to develop the BF in Ireland along the same lines as the movement in 1914 .
17 Its huge success grated even more , especially as it had been a Labour paper until Murdoch had bought it and turned it into a cornerstone of his international media empire .
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