Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [pers pn] into [noun] " in BNC.

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1 when they wore thin on the end and we had to put a new link in we never threw the two halves of the link away , we pointed them and made them into staples .
2 But they are intended to illustrate the very general point that we can not know in advance the belief systems of the communities we are studying ; an important part of good fieldwork practice is to get to know them and take them into account at all stages of the research , up to and beyond the time of publication .
3 They 're the ones who get everybody else to do what they want them to do , like die for them and work for them and get them into power and protect them and pay taxes and buy them toys , and they 're the ones who 'll survive another big war , in their bunkers and tunnels .
4 I can see no moral difference between seeking out mongol children in the womb to kill them and putting them into gas chambers after birth .
5 The first survivors who reached the shore regrouped up the estuary past the bony tangles of mangrove in the forest at the arranged meeting place ; they were met there by a waiting group of islanders , men and women , ready to re-arm them and send them into battle .
6 For non-metals if you try to hit them and beat them into sheets or if you try to stretch them you get ?
7 ‘ You can just jump down on everyone and turn them into worms , ’ the imp added encouragingly , ignoring his last remark .
8 At first it had been merely a matter of borrowing her mother 's scarves and veils , draping these around herself or twisting them into turbans and sashes .
9 There 's no proof , and … and she 's fond of him and she would n't do anything to hurt him or get him into trouble .
10 Gabriel had broken his apprentice 's bond and no one had hanged him or flogged him or thrown him into prison .
11 She 'd taken a liking to Silvia and had no wish to betray her and get her into trouble with her quarrelsome cousin .
12 She had sucked comfort with the distant vibration of Fenna 's breathing rumbling down to his tail tip , and he had spun stories for her and woven them into dreams .
13 The next stage is to implement it or put it into action .
14 The porter arrived with a trolley and they lowered the woman on to it and rushed her into Resuscitation .
15 She went slowly to the refrigerator , took out a block of ice cream , cut three slices off it and put them into glass dishes , then plonked the dishes on the table , during which time a new idea came to her .
16 Discussion of immorality was particularly problematic , given the strongly held belief that to name it and put it into discourse was a dangerous incitement to further acts of depravity .
17 Without a word she untied it and stuffed it into Werewolf 's lapel pocket until it looked like a dress handkerchief , then she moved behind him and pulled the sleeves of his jacket up to the elbows .
18 In fact the defragmenter , Speedisk , is so good that Microsoft bought it and built it into MS-DOS 6 .
19 Metabolism is the process by which you take in food , use it and convert it into energy and heat , er several days , so there were several days after the baby 's born when it 's really very much at risk of getting cold injury .
20 Most of the rest would help pay for disposing of the plutonium by generating electricity from it while turning it into waste .
21 ‘ That 's all very well , but why is n't there anyone here to meet us and take us into custody again ? ’
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