Example sentences of "[pron] [conj] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 At decision point B in Fig. 8.5. we do not know the full scores of the paths , but we can try to look ahead and estimate them or extrapolate from current scores .
2 Anger is a reaction to other people and to ourselves that stems from two cycles :
3 When the man who waited with her crept to her shoulder and whispered in her ear , as he did several times between his nervous pacings about the room , she made him no answer , and never seemed even to be aware of him , though her braced tension made it plain that nothing that passed in this apartment escaped her instant notice .
4 Nothing that seems of much interest . "
5 Well , children can be allowed to express their anxieties verbally and to learn perhaps from the adults ' modelling around them that to talk about these things in moderation is perfectly acceptable erm but not to do it to the extent or to allow children to perhaps watch the news coverage to the extent that they become over excited and are not able to contain their own feelings of anxiety about loss and damage and death and separation from parents and significant adults .
6 I 'd rather the mountain killed me than die in some hospital . ’
7 So anything that the landlo er the rich peasant owns and works himself or cultivates by hired labour you 're going to allow to keep .
8 Michael Stroud has been treating himself and Ran with medical supplies on the aircraft .
9 His work matured , even if there is no question that he abused himself and died for that reason .
10 The man eyed Doyle contemptuously then muttered something to himself and moved to another table and sat down .
11 The baby had been endeavouring with grim determination to haul himself from the floor on to Alexandra 's knee , gripping handfuls of her skirts to assist himself and heaving with astonishing strength .
12 Reed Consumer Books was this week locked in dispute with leading wholesalers after proposing to introduce a standardised discount structure and abolishing full credit on returns , in a move which if pursued by other publishers could seriously damage the long-term prospects of the wholesale sector .
13 An example of Wimsatt 's ( 1958 : 147 — 8 ) is what he calls the metaphor , and many would call the simile , in the last line of this passage from Donne 's ‘ A Valediction : forbidding mourning ’ ( like Eliot , the New Critics were particularly attached to the Metaphysical poets ) : The comparison between the lovers ' separation and the hammering of gold into leaf-form brings together two terms which are clearly quite different and therefore might justifiably be described as opposites ; and the conjunction of meanings thus established creates a series of connections ( the relationship between the separated lovers is like gold leaf in that it is ethereal ( ‘ ayery ’ ) , delicate , easily damaged , but at the same time precious , pure , bright , etc. ) , which when related to real experience possesses considerable illuminating force .
14 Unlike the pluralist approach which when dealing with macro-political issues directs its attention towards attitudes , ethics , belief systems and individualistic cultural components , this Gramscian Marxist perspective investigates the linkages between economic structures ( such as landholding ) , national development ( such as the effect on artisan or fledgling industry of suddenly imposed competition with more advanced areas ) and the instruments of intellectual control through which the economic domination is legitimated .
15 His 2:20:36 was an impressive 13-minute improvement on last year , which when projected over 26 miles , should put him comfortably inside his 3:20 target for the ADT London Marathon .
16 They come to me , whining and wheedling , ‘ old Mother , this , make him fall in love with me , ’ ‘ old Mother , that , he 's a good man , I love him , but he beats me and goes with other women . ’
17 Then she raised her face to me and said with sad seriousness ,
18 They walked on either side of me and talked to each other , jabbering utter nonsense as though it was all so important , and I , with more brains than the two of them put together and information of the most vital nature , could n't get a word out .
19 Would he not join me in urging Sinn Fein to reconsider their position on this and would he also agree with me and confirm to this house that this government will never do what Mr Adams requests and that is become a persuader of the people of Northern Ireland to join a united Ireland and will he , will he recognise from me that many on these benches remain committed to the union of Northern Ireland and Great Britain .
20 In any case , Mr Farraday seized the opportunity to grin broadly at me and say with some deliberation :
21 Keeping records of personnel , updating them and reporting on this information is the foundation of any personnel system .
22 However , women will have to be more alert in future in view of the growing violence against them and increase in sexual attacks .
23 And so we had discussions with them and I can tell you , you know , it was at least six months before the consultants ever made any specific move to introduce the system as such er because of our overtures to them , because of the fact that we asked regularly to meet them and to consult on various points .
24 Their wings are often swept forward slightly although they can close them and dive at tremendous speeds ( Figure 9 ) .
25 These women do not feel called to the seclusion of their sisters inside the enclosure , who never leave their convent , but feel called to serve them and act as essential intermediaries between the cloistered nuns and the world .
26 He made his way through them and turned into steep Hanover Lane .
27 She made an effort and pulled herself together , drawing away from them and saying with great dignity and a careful enunciation of her words , ‘ You must not q-quarrel , you two .
28 Magnus and the Alsatian , attracted by the noise , came running over and began leaping up at them and barking in wild excitement , their panting mouths leaving clouds in the chill air .
29 Their presence is still obvious around the city , in statues and monuments , in buildings used by them and restored for other purposes now , and at the church they attended , St Paul 's in the Jewellery Quarter .
30 And that is exactly how they look — like things that jump out of the dark and land without a body feeling them and burrow into living flesh , flesh they have numbed with preliminary injections , and … suck .
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