Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [coord] [vb past] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He picked himself up and breasted another mound .
2 He was waiting for her outside and wasted little time in virtually hustling her outside to where his car was waiting for them .
3 The Arabist listened to him calmly and nodded several times .
4 She looked at him again and saw this time that he was watching her .
5 The poet picked it up and sang another song
6 Then he left them and joined a small local firm of advisers , contacted me again and recommended another insurance company — Scottish Amicable .
7 The Danakil around Bilen were friendly , but were apprehensive of their formidable neighbours in Bahdu , who had raided them recently and inflicted many casualties .
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