Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [prep] [det] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 What would help them most in such a situation ?
2 ‘ Let's go and find somewhere to eat and you can fill me in on all the news . ’
3 ‘ … so long as you let me in on all the details . ’
4 To persevere with our mechanical analogy , if we picture the forming of a bond as equivalent to putting the jack in the box , we need to bring to the box a special tool with a ready-compressed spring , and couple them together in such a way that , as the spring in our tool is released , it compresses the spring of the jack and forces it into the box .
5 The problem is to achieve them together in such a way that the ‘ fusion product ’ , the multiple of all three quantities , exceeds a certain critical value .
6 Perhaps I alone in all the world called her Florence .
7 Yet to set ourselves up in such a manner contradicts our cherished notion of being part of the community . ’
8 She polished the chrome , and wiped sand away from the stained-glass frontage , but it was finally useless , just another piece of garbage from a past that could have happened to someone else for all the trace it had left on her .
9 which I must say I certainly in that a parish council is it , and everybody else is linked in at lower levels .
10 What a shame you wo n't see R + H 's marriage ( wedding , I mean ! ) but no doubt we 'll fill you in on all the details .
11 When the council had organized a festival to alert the people to the plight of Nicaragua , she alone of all the neighbours had climbed into the mobile coffee shop , which the council had provided , to drink Nicaraguan coffee and read the Nicaraguan posters which adorned the bulkheads and bulwarks of the van .
12 The North of England has the capacity to pull itself out of such a mire , and surely wants the chance to exert its muscle to do so .
13 We can not have you here in all the circumstances .
14 At Collington Chapel Lane is closed until Friday cos they 're putting a new sewer in there and traffic 's being diverted there along Main Street and at Totton there 's roadworks on Nottingham Road at the junction with Attenborough Lane delays likely there especially at busy times that 'll do us for now we 'll update the traffic for you again in half an hours time .
15 As people bustled around him the Doctor had harangued them frantically with all the strength that was left to him .
16 But he felt that McAllister had to pay something back for all the fairy-tales which she had told Matey and himself , and which Matey had so gullibly swallowed .
17 What we have to do is start looking at all the things that make that possible and try and do something else for all the things that do n't help you fill it .
18 He once locked two visiting American soldiers inside the cathedral one evening and promised to come to let them out in half an hour but forgot to come .
19 All except one , who had worked herself up into such a frenzy of excitement , that she became quite terrified and galloped straight into a fence — which fortunately was made of pine rails that collapsed harmlessly under the assault .
20 Evelyn had wrought herself up to such a pitch that she was utterly unprepared for this turn of events .
21 In October 1945 Sir Orme Sargent , soon to serve as permanent under-secretary in the Foreign Office , wrote of the awful threat posed by the " almighty dollar " and of Britain 's duty , in company with France , to build herself up against both the superpowers .
22 ‘ I understand that you have known him longest of all the family ? ’
23 The wound was clean and dressed ; there was no point in keeping him inside with such a shortage of hospital beds .
24 And although , now , twenty years later , she could understand his hurt and confusion and desire for revenge , then it had hit her squarely in all the areas she was most vulnerable .
25 Inside , Virgin 's pilots are landing on runway twenty seven at Heathrow , in the simulator they can take off and land as often as they like at this the world 's busiest airport , but in real life Virgin says it has to fight for slots to take off and land at the times to suit business travellers , it blames B A. B A says it does n't allocate slots or monopolize Heathrow Airport .
26 The idea of service is extended to include the work that the manager does when he leaves his office , and it is this devotion to duty which marks him off from all the others .
27 He always said that in the vain hope that the girl would respond to him differently from all the others who had so casually used her body .
28 So I went there and cornered her in the canteen and tried to chat her up for half an hour .
29 In fact when the cleaning lady has an ‘ audit ’ of his desk and tidies up the heaps , it is a ‘ nightmare ’ , taking him up to half a day to get back on track .
30 ‘ Why should I settle down with him out of all the fellows I 've been out with ?
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