Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [prep] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Once into the shelter of the mangrove-bound estuary , he had taken the men off the Zodiac , ordering them below after stacking the dinghy 's cargo along Golden Girl 's side decks .
2 Taking three regular meals with nothing in between removes the risk of " grazing " like cattle all day long and begins to re-educate the eye and the stomach in what constitutes a " normal " portion of food .
3 When a tragedy occurs , and society has to confront its ragged edges , there is a temptation to tidy them away by amending the law — yet legal mandates create conflicts and dilemmas of their own .
4 If Laura noticed any of her staff wearing clothes in a poor state of repair she would look into that person 's wages and family circumstances and see if there was a way of paying them more without upsetting the hierarchy .
5 If the public needs to be made aware of what 's going on then I shall be the one to do it , and no one … no one will scare me off from reporting the truth ! ’
6 The competition gives the young chefs of the future an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities before experienced professionals from the industry , who along with judging the competition , provide practical comment on how these young people entering the business can develop .
7 Equally , a socialism which restricted itself solely to solving the problem of exploitation in the social relations of production , and failed to respond to these contradictions in culture , might find itself far less attractive-to an electorate , for example-than it envisaged .
8 I 'd lastly like to say a thank you to Kevin , because I think , as a man , it is obviously more difficult for him to broach this subject , and he 's been pursuing this through APEX through for a very long time , and has worked extremely hard , so I 'd like to say thank you to him , and thank you to you now for taking the message back home .
9 I mean that that is one possible approach of doing it that you instead of taking the figure of nine thousand seven hundred in policy H one you refer to it as being eight thousand three hundred , or whatever figure you might happen to come up with .
10 Thank you again for taking the trouble to write expressing your views , and thank you also for your valued support of our Club .
11 Yet it was through the derided Teenybop that the next pop generation came , as young women quickly moved from varieties of Osmond to something a bit meatier — men who instead of masking the femininity of the adored object , flaunted it and made it part of the package .
12 We consume these calories in the form of food and use them up in maintaining the body 's functions and movements .
13 ( v ) Allow the cells to spread over the surface for about 30 sec then pick them up by touching the surface of the solution with the plastic-coated slide .
14 Will he join me also in condemning the inefficiency of Labour councils , whose failure to collect rents and fill empty properties is a major barrier to the provision of homes for the homeless ?
15 We could do something tonight by having the Minister announce that magistrates will stop putting in prison people who can not pay their poll tax .
16 Not that magnification is all-important ; it is far better to have a smaller , well-defined image than a larger , blurred one even for observing the Moon or a planet .
17 And the Jockey Club can not be accused of headlong profligation of its long held principals , though Caulfield accuses them now of handing the rule book straight to the animal welfare groups .
18 Fortunately this was a case where I had felt very confident of the remedy and close questioning revealed that her appetite had returned , her chest was n't as tight and she did experience feeling better in herself immediately after taking the medicine .
19 Cor , I can smell them even without taking the lid off !
20 Will he join me today in thanking the Sheikh of Abu Dhabi for his recent proposals which form part of the crucial negotiations that are taking place ?
21 She put him on to researching the availability of marble vanity-unit tops and free-standing occasional tables .
22 yet you probably put her off for putting the bet on cos you were
23 He left the office first , waiting for the two women to follow him out before closing the door again .
24 She felt his lips brush against her skin and heard his murmured " Enchante , " but he did n't look at her again before greeting the senator .
25 The price people and firms pay for their carbon fuels does not reflect the cost to everybody else of filling the atmosphere with greenhouse gases .
26 As you know , you had the Fifty Pounds from direct , and I have thanked him profusely for painting the sitting room walls !
27 a good eye there 's nothing hard in hitting the ball .
28 The Queen is very quick at picking up a clue and following it through without giving the game away .
29 If you only have one rope , do your second a favour and either double it up or pull it through after doing the pitch and drop it back to your mate to protect the moves down the flake .
30 It must be pointed out , however , that the defender 's outstretched arm tries , not to block the punch , but merely to guide it away by utilizing the turning stance , thus changing her front stance to a side stance .
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