Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [be] a [noun] for " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Pretty stupid of me , I suppose , ’ he replied , ‘ but then I always was a sucker for a sob story . ’
2 But he was teasing , so instead she said lightly , ‘ I always was a sucker for a good fairy tale . ’
3 Correct forms are regular and simple , e.g. the English language usage by which straight is a metaphor for honest and crooked a metaphor for dishonest .
4 Was she a rare and special creature , some fabulous beauty , of whom Jeopardy had been fond , or had she simply been a vessel for his seed ?
5 Wilkins and others in the early Royal Society were afraid of the metaphors associated with ‘ words ’ rather than things , and feared a science which was really word-play ; but the invention and exploitation of models is akin to the exploration of metaphor , and science like everything else is a field for homo ludens .
6 There generally is a reason for any custom or tradition if only the peasant were lucid enough to explain it .
7 ‘ Might there not be a case for putting the initial interview in the hands of an educational psychologist skilled in eliciting a history without being committed to what the social workers revealingly call ‘ disclosure ’ ? ' , he suggested .
8 Can there not be a contract for the sale of ascertained goods ? ’
9 There still is a case for it where wines are very limited in supply , like Ausone in St Emilion or the tiny new superstar Le Pin in Pomerol .
10 IF THERE ever was a man for all seasons it is the redoubtable John Jackson , whose posts include a board seat at electronics group Philips and the vice chairmanship of Ladbroke .
11 This is obviously restricting the options available to WCC applicants , but not seriously ( i ) if there really is a demand for a Theology and Development course , and ( ii ) in view of the 92 other WCC scholarships in Britain .
12 Perhaps it will make dealing with such a situation a little easier if we realise that there really is a reason for it and that the way in which we handle it may well go a long way towards aiding our spiritual development .
13 It 's not a position where A number of people have the idea that it ca n't be a beneficiary , it can , it often is a beneficiary for the obvious reason that if the beneficiaries are getting the goodies , why not make them do the work necessary to get hold of them ?
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