Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [conj] it be [pron] " in BNC.

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1 but we have n't got a Pat at the moment and its in and it 's his responsibility .
2 ‘ I 'm turning this project over to you purely because it is my personal opinion that you can do it .
3 After all , just look round any bar and you 'll see that everybody there , myself included ( you too if it 's your kind of bar ) , has in their time been both The Boy and The Older Man , both Banker and Domestic , Ingenue and Other Woman , booted Prince and stirrup-holding Groom — but I do n't mean either that you should have complete license to make him look just how you wish ; I do n't want to think of anyone hearing this story and grinning and thinking of Boy as some permanently , conveniently smiling blue-eyed blonde , because he was not that in any way and that is not what he meant to us .
4 Mum , there 's a special one here because it 's you will have to be
5 HOW arrogant of David Mellor to blame the tabloids for bringing him down when it was his own folly .
6 Her stomach lurching in sympathy with the plane dropping down fast towards Bangkok convinces her dully that it 's she who 's done it : left England , friends , comrades , ways of seeing , the easy labels of self-definition .
7 ‘ He said he was doing it only because it was his duty . ’
8 Hardly surprising , since she 'd played it non-stop since her Lucy dream , wept to it , soaked it in until it was her heartbeat , floated on the cloud of its beauty all through the Lucyless days .
9 She believes Gedge is anxious to play it down because it was he who took it more seriously than herself .
10 Is it just cos it 's you 're a lady anyhow , I mean she co
11 We take it not because it was what we wanted , but because it is there .
12 … You really must put it over that it is your job to know every wretched pipe anywhere on this river system … that it 's your job to know what is going on , who is doing what . ’
13 But the thing is that your er particular area you know , if you wanted to do one and not save it , you do n't have to save , you know , you know you can print it off and it 's done , but you can send mail to Tracey or headquarters C A , you would n't have to print it out once it 's what you want you just press a button and it goes .
14 ‘ I had always thought that its grip on me was purely personal , ’ wrote Amanda , ‘ — I loved it simply because it was my home — but then I found that it caught other people in its web too . ’
15 Why is the Prime Minister continually trying to blame everyone else when it is his own errors of judgment , mistakes and economic incompetence that have produced the current recession ?
16 you know it 's not , not , it 's not like Benidorm or anything like that it 's it 's somewhere like , it 's about seven miles away from the sea , but as I said they
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