Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [conj] the [noun pl] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Then I had to place the silver-coloured piece on to the needle heads with the latches open and draw the knitting towards me so that the latches closed and the knitting slid on to the silver piece .
2 Draw pencil lines along the ceiling 67 mm ( for 100 mm girth cove ) or 83 mm ( for 127 mm girth cove ) from the walls and parallel to them so that the lines intersect .
3 Do not merely stare at facts which you hope to remember , but see if you can devise a memory-jogger by arranging them so that the initials form another word which , perhaps , you associate with some experience in your life .
4 How nice it was to be able to use all of the pedestrian walkways and see the beauty of them just as the planners visualised .
5 It concerned me deeply that the men going back to Burma should have a smattering of the language , especially those who would go in with the Wingate levies into occupied Burma .
6 Move it further towards you so that the threads stick to the wire and break away from the support .
7 Instead , he turns something on and the engines start making a noise .
8 If possible , visit your location weeks ahead , arrive hours before the meeting so that you can test your equipment and check through everything well before the doors open .
9 You know when you flick them out and the teachers took them off of them .
10 Funded directly by the DES , the voluntary colleges can not turn to the local authorities to help them out and the churches lack the resources to do so .
11 ‘ When I got home last night and found the yard door bolted I thought the old man had deliberately locked me out but the police reckon that whoever killed father was with him then — while I was banging on the door , trying to get in . ’
12 Rather they enchant them magically and the horses serve willingly .
13 She saw other sides of him then , the skilled physician , the considerate colleague , and yet another side , the one gentle with their frightened little patient , reassuring and comforting her so that the procedures became less terrifying and more easily coped with .
14 When Ludovico came back to the apartment with food for lunch and found her stripped to the waist , washing herself in the cracked kitchen sink , he immediately started making love to her , pushing her back until the taps dug into her .
15 Having him here when the police arrive — wo n't that look suspicious ?
16 Kellett-Bowman ) , who wanted to retain the poll tax — I do not think that anyone has told her yet that the Conservatives propose to do away with it .
17 She got it down before the motors blew , and without tipping over .
18 Sometimes it helps to add retarding gel to acrylic paint for this type of manipulation , but on this occasion the area involved was small , and I could work on it easily whilst the colours remained wet .
19 Doing something about it early when the problems began to develop , rather than later , when they had become fully established .
20 Proper black and white processing takes weeks these days , unless you have your own darkroom , and sometimes the photo-kiosks think they 've cocked it up when the pictures come out sepia and so they do n't charge .
21 Yeah , but I 'm saying , do n't tip it up cos the tops broken
22 he was n't playing peculiar and the teacher say said something about , he was reading it out and the kids said oh what 's his name then and she said he 's names Geoff and they were all going ooh Geoff and she said , he says I think she does it on purpose
23 Lambert strained to force it back but the controls insisted on turning for home , and so he had to slip past the balloon , all plump and shining grey , soon to be on the ground .
24 Tom then howled and snatched it back and the parents intervened to tell him off for making a noise and for snatching .
25 play , play , play it back when the tapes finished
26 Our truancy is defined by one fixed star , and our drift represents merely a slight change of angle to it : we may seize the moment , toss it around while the moments pass , a short dash here , an exploration there , but we are brought round full circle to face again the single immutable fact — that we , Rosencrantz and Guildenstern , bearing a letter from one king to another , are taking Hamlet to England .
27 Once the gales have blown themselves out and the depressions have ‘ filled ’ or moved away , we usually get a spell of settled weather when things return to normal.The few days of settled weather allow me to spend some hours fishing offshore for ling and tusk which , as well as providing me with relaxation and sport , is satisfyingly justified in my own mind because it is providing food for the family during the winter to come .
28 Europe may have turned its back , but the Czechs also sold themselves out as the poles did not .
29 The All Blacks assembled yesterday for a rugged training session but have been unable to prepare themselves fully as the Lions have delayed selection for another 24-hours due to ever increasing injury problems .
30 ‘ Which is the last area Kuhlmann will expect to find us in if the hounds have been loosed .
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