Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [conj] [verb] in [art] " in BNC.

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1 Overall , the most fruitful way to examine the interaction of courts , executives and assemblies is to see them all as engaged in a continuous process by which the law and rights are constantly being defined and redefined .
2 ‘ And these stones — so unexpected in this magnificent country — because I confess it is not for the pleasures of civilisation that I came to this district but for the informing breadth and spectacles of Nature — reminded me of somewhere I knew not where and that was my over-selfish study which all but ended in a brute collision with yourselves ! ’
3 They ca n't feel me cos they do n't know I 'm there , and if I want to I can fly over their heads and leave them behind and live in the sky .
4 Would you care to accompany me now or follow in a couple of minutes when you have finished your conversation ? ’
5 I 'll make a further prediction that if ‘ Eric the Enigma ’ is substitute , Ferguson will pray for the chance to bring him on and bask in the reception for a stylist after Old Trafford 's heart .
6 Trouble is when , they take her abroad and travel in a caravan
7 Though she did stop him before he could get further than to spin her round and begin in a supposed-to-be-seductive tone , ‘ If you want the thrill of a lifetime , Leith — ’
8 Kenneth liked him too and joined in the questioning .
9 He looks at me hard and says in a voice that can only be described as arch , ‘ Do you mean do I cry when I see children with flies round their eyes ?
10 Will the hon. Gentleman confirm that since the decision by the Secretary of State on the channel tunnel route to London , British Rail has appointed consultants to advise on the possibility of building the Eurostation above ground , rather than building it underground as proposed in the Bill ?
11 NEEDING four points from the six singles to beat Scotland on the opening day of the Womens Home Internationals at Hermitage Ireland could not quite bring it off and lost in the end by 5–4 .
12 He grabbed her arm as she tried to run past him , but she shook it off and spun in the opposite direction .
13 If there is too much liquid left in the pan , pour it off and reduce in a separate pan ( so the meat does not overcook ) .
14 To grasp the meaning of a handshake we must not only see it positively as located in a greeting ceremonial , that is in a sequence of actions identified with respect to the social act they accomplish , but we must also see it negatively , as excluding certain alternatives and possibilities of action .
15 Discard all but 1 tbsp of the oil in the pan , heat it again and tip in the egg mixture .
16 But a time arrives when you would rather do almost anything rather than sit in a stuffy fringe theatre on a Saturday night with a dozen heads all nodding aggrievedly in agreement on how South Africa is now really rather a nasty place .
17 While the mechanics were setting up the cars , she thought she 'd go outside into one of the empty stands to try to find a breath of wind , anything rather than standing in the back of the pits in the high humidity which made her skin glow .
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