Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [adv] [conj] [pers pn] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 The character must make a Cl test or else be forced by nausea to strip off his armour and clothes , unable to put them on again until they have been thoroughly cleaned and washed .
2 Oh er she 's put them in even though you 've not saved your subs
3 Bring them in so that they share the unpopularity but do n't give them enough power to change anything . ’
4 Who needs to speak to me so urgently that they lie me down on myriads of pebbles by a sun-scorched sea in the southern part of England ?
5 Also , more is understood nowadays about the balance of life within a pool , so the much quoted passage of the father of English gardening , William Robinson , in his classic The English Flower Garden ( 1895 ) scarcely applies now : ‘ Unclean and ugly pools deface our gardens ; some have a mania for artificial water , the effect of water pleasing them so well that they bring it near their houses where they can not have its good effects .
6 They never wear out because I look after them so well and they stay young while I …
7 You can love them so much that you eat them all up , then there is no more affair .
8 We have bread and bacon and butter that 's good , With oatmeal and salt that is wholesome for food ; We have soap and candles whereby to give light That you may work by them so long as you have light .
9 I think it would be easier to try and draw them together so that we have got this document with the position so far , as we have a lot .
10 No okay what you need to do , what I want you to do now is just pick some of these numbers and multiply them together so that you get forty five .
11 Mix them together so that you have a sticky paste .
12 And in this particular county one has only got to look to Ryedale who s I so far as I know is the only authority to have carried out a comprehensive survey of local housing needs .
13 It 's always wrong to want a special friendship with someone just so that you feel better about yourself or so that others are impressed .
14 We sold ourselves short then but we believe we have the ability and the temperament to cope on Sunday . ’
15 No , I he took , his up there and I 've got him down there .
16 I mean , I 've read em very thoroughly and I 've read the reports of the officers .
17 Well , I mean , it 's a sticky wicket for them anyway politically and I suspect as with a lot of legislation quite recently they simply have n't spent the time in committee and in consultation to iron out the details and they 've come unstuck when it 's come into the public domain and it 's been easy for people to throw up the paradoxes that are coming up from the legislation , the moral paradoxes .
18 The macro-economic case for the widespread and general adoption of the industrial co-operative form is that it is just such another structure ; that the structural change lies in making labour the employer of capital rather than , as at present capital the employer of labour ; that such a change would fuse the interests of ownership and labour , interests which so long as they remain separate must also remain ultimately opposed ; and that , because relations among co-operatives and between producers and providers on the one hand , and consumers and users on the other would be determined by the operation of a free competitive market , the workers in each co-operative will be exposed to its imperative discipline .
19 yes , but its not there if I 've had it all out in it ? , you took up to bed with him that 's why you ca n't
20 Just trying to think whether there might be somebody up there that I know that has one .
21 pass one of these round each and if , there 's plenty here so if you 've got any friends , neighbours that ca n't be here tonight for any reason then feel free to take one afterwards and , well it would n't bother me if I had none to take back .
22 There are various ways about that as there are with many road schemes er where there are structure plan policies for a particular scheme and there are arrows on key diagrams , there are many ways of getting from A to B er they are not er in terms of outer and inner , they are going from the same A to B. They they start and finish at the same locations , it is just a different way of getting from A to B. Which quite properly as I understand it would be a matter for debate er either at the local plan or if a planning application is made er earlier than that er then at a at a planning enquiry into the specific road proposal .
23 Oh it was probably not you , that was probably somebody else then but I remember seeing that , you know
24 Highlighting its features in this way will , I hope , enable us to recognise them more easily when they occur in embedded form in other writers .
25 I want to wear each one of them once more before I die . ’
26 ‘ I do wish everyone would stop writing me off just because I happen to be fifty . ’
27 Oh yes you blank me off then when you go to sleep .
28 I will tell you right now that I do n't think you would make it in estate agents .
29 Erm I 'd like to refer to my page three or er section four in my conclusions because I think if I if I heard Professor Lock correctly I think he and I are at one in in a suggestion which is is put to you in in if you like without prejudice to the generality of what I have been saying in support of the council 's policy .
30 The advantage of this income and converted payments method over the full accruals method is that personal creditors accounts do not have to be maintained ( why keep a record of the individuals to whom you owe money — they will tell you soon enough if you do not settle ) and the bookkeeping effort is reduced .
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