Example sentences of "[pron] [adv] [verb] [pron] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 As Citrine had earlier told his colleagues , a tactical retreat of accepting the Minister 's suggestion and then showing it to be ineffective would enable them better to assert their independence in future .
2 The great problem I faced , when I eventually obtained my degree in zoology , was that to convert my childhood fascination into an adult career I would have to carry out experiments on animals .
3 As far as EuroDisney is concerned , I personally welcome its establishment in France .
4 And like I thought I 'm not gon na look up in case he goes for me or something , so I just kept my head in the pillow and pretended the light was blinding me oh ha ha cos when I get you alone what ?
5 ‘ Might I just put my ego in formalin and send it to him ? ’
6 And I just light my lighter in your direction .
7 We finally reach what we laughingly call civilization , we finally reach a telephone which is capable of handling transatlantic calls , I finally get my turn in the queue , I finally get through to home , and you 're out .
8 The ex-Police multi-millionaire issues new 45 ‘ If I Ever Lose My Faith In You ’ in January , followed by an as yet untitled album in February .
9 So I always take my dinner in there .
10 But I am constantly in trouble with the law , because I always kiss my boyfriend in public and we could be prosecuted for that .
11 I still regard my win in last year 's Derby on Dr Devious as the greatest , thrill of my racing career , ’ he told me .
12 I also enjoyed my stay in Patagonia .
13 I must say that I really enjoyed my time in the RAF and I 'm convinced that for National Serviceman , the Air Gunner 's trade was the best way to complete the compulsory Armed Service requirement of the time .
14 I often see his picture in literary magazines .
15 May said : ‘ I immediately renewed my interest in him when he became available . ’
16 It was at this time that we read Morgan Forster 's article in the Listener about George Crabbe and we were touched and interested enough to seek out a copy of Crabbe 's poems and I well remember my surprise in discovering a mid-19th-century edition in San Diego , I think .
17 Well when I worked at , when I started off in the I quite liked my job in there , you made your own pay , and I liked , it was a starching job , I 'd quite a good job in there .
18 In that ninety seconds I want every one of the 13 million viewers to concentrate on the speaker — not on someone else scratching their nose in the background .
19 Although I am 40 and from a different age group , I actually enjoy his company in the dressing room .
20 At the same time , I would warn Obair * , the same as I would warn anybody setting up a scheme , to make sure that the scheme is properly run , to make sure that the scheme is n't used to take jobs away from either the domestics , the home helps or any other jobs in the health service — make sure that abuse is taken away and I certainly wish them luck in the future and I thank you for inviting me here to speak .
21 Victoria said , ‘ And why he asked me not to call him uncle in front of you because it made him sound old ! ’
22 Whereas things appeared stable in Britain at that time , overseas there existed events of change — in Italy there existed no unity and much of the land was occupied by the forces of Austria , but they were removed and in 1833 , a united Italy was advocated under Papal rule , but that proved not to be successful and it would be some years before Garibaldi was able to form the Italian National Association for the Unification of Italy which only achieved its objective in 1871 .
23 Eusebio played that night , and again when United beat Benfica at Wembley two years later to lift the European Cup and enshrine a friendship between the two clubs which still leaves its mark in Lisbon .
24 Nevertheless , it 's the deathless ‘ Tears Of A Clown ’ and ‘ The Tracks Of My Tears ’ which still define his place in the popular memory : odd that such a joyful singer should be best remembered for two helplessly sad little songs .
25 He had a degree of concern for the vanquished Germans , and respect for them as individuals , which taught me another valuable lesson , and which still makes his name in Wilhelmshaven one which is honoured rather than reviled .
26 The end of that war brought about many changes in Europe , one of which was the creation of a new mid-Europe nation which was originally named the ‘ Kingdom of Serbs , Croats and Slovenes ’ , but which formally changed its name in 1929 , to Yugoslavia .
27 When the opportunity presented itself some Arab states , for example Egypt ( which formally repudiated its treaty in 1976 ) and Iraq ( 1952–3 ) , discarded or downgraded the Soviet Union in their foreign relations and cultivated the United States .
28 That is not surprising , because it is inconceivable that we would have used a nuclear weapon in those circumstances , not least because of the negative security assurances which positively precluded their use in such circumstances .
29 On both occasions the violation of the maxim , in contrast to earlier instances we have examined , is deliberate , and asserts his wish , indirectly and politely at first and then by a bald on-record demand , to leave the speech situation altogether , a fact which strongly implicates his insecurity in it .
30 She gave me a great , gummy grin which almost split her face in two .
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