Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] is [adj] [that] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 When Gandhi maintains that by means of prayer he invokes the divinity within himself it is evident that he draws no hard-and-fast distinction between the Self or Ātman within and God or Truth .
2 Protagoras ' reply to this is to contend that political wisdom is not a matter of specialized knowledge , but something in which everyone has a share , and in which it is necessary that everyone has a share , " Otherwise the state could not exist " .
3 A pistol is pointed at its head , because it has been warned that , in the next year , there will be a further review under which it is likely that it will again lose its statutory framework and be cast adrift into voluntarism along with the 22 other boards which have been dismantled in the past eight to nine years .
4 There are at least three strong arguments against relativism as a stance which it is important that we help pupils to understand .
5 They differ from connotative terms like ‘ metal ’ — and to this extent ‘ are in the same condition as proper names ’ — in that whereas to the question , ‘ What are the things the resemblance to which you mark by calling this thing a ‘ metal ’ ? ’ the answer , ‘ Things of which it is true that their oxide dissolved in water yields an alkaline solution ’ can be given ; to the question , ‘ What are the things the resemblance to which you mark by calling this sensation ‘ a sensation of white ’ ? ’ the only answer that can be given is , ‘ Sensations to which I have given the name ‘ a sensation of white ’ ’ , an answer that does not ‘ unfold the signification of this class of names ’ .
6 The fact that most trust income is subject to deduction of Income Tax at the source has probably obscured the speciality which attaches to the representative character of trustees as payers of Income Tax ; but if the proposition now maintained for the trustees is a sound one it is incomprehensible that it should never have been advanced with regard to the very large sums of trust income which do not , and never can , reach the hands of an income-beneficiary .
7 Our little trap there there is important that you do all the inserts first .
8 My local electronics dealer tells me he is confident that there will be GPS under £1,000 within six months and then the real price war will begin as the manufacturer battle it out for the lucrative yacht market .
9 My father taught me that there is only one thing more boring in life than listening to other people 's dreams and that is listening to stories about their operations ; and I only tell mine now because those I had during the early 1980s are as good an example as any of how modern medicine has helped to prolong life ; without them it is unlikely that I would be sitting here writing this .
10 To protect yourself it is important that your conditions of sale and your terms of credit are known and agreed to by your customer at or prior to the point of sale .
11 To us it is clear that it was the forms of social organisation in which such evidence was carried that gave them this quality and not the intrinsic nature of the evidence itself .
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