Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] could [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There was some sort of monitor with dials which I could n't make head nor tail of , two drip stands with tubes — one lot going up her nose , the other into her arm — and her right leg was coated in plaster and suspended in mid air by a pulley contraption on which the Spanish Inquisition probably held the patent .
2 But a wallet would contain all sorts of personal items which she could n't get hold of .
3 Some of them brought to it a breadth of experience of teaching to which we could not lay claim .
4 Dana was much more experienced than I : he taught me a form of carezza by which we could indefinitely prolong erection and contain ejaculation .
5 I was watching Sky replays of the incident over tea and snickers at half time , and heard the pundits blathering about a handball by Rod Wallace which they could clearly see happening , but I could n't .
6 It seemed Noah wanted the magistrate to find nothing with which he could possibly take issue .
7 And er there was only one who could n't take part and he was in the fire brigade and could n't take part because they were er his employers .
8 He had his own clergy attached to his cathedral , and gradually he eventually acquired a parish clergy over whom he could sometimes exercise control .
9 The estate in Bradford where people told us they could not get credit because it had a reputation for housing defaulters ( see Appendix II , section 5 ) is an example of a physical credit ghetto , and depth-interview respondents in Finsbury ( London ) told us that their experience suggested that ‘ it has a bad name for credit ’ .
10 He had never invited anyone to dinner at the house , for the simple reason that they never had anything he could honestly call dinner .
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