Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] be mean [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 It really is no use following the tacking pattern of someone who is meant to be good in front of you , since the shifts affect different parts of the course at different times .
2 The Jews of his day had come to see the Old Testament law not as a pointer to the life of trusting obedience in God which it was meant to be but rather a code to be scrupulously followed in every detail .
3 ‘ What , the one who 's meant to be finding out about your dad ? ’
4 I think it would be much more effective if the one who was meant to be the hardhat and who might be expected to let the other one drown in fact saves the other one even though he thinks his ideas about the Indians and his plan to baptise them when they get to the Orinoco are blasphemous .
5 Together we can make the country that we love everything it was meant to be .
6 I 've just asked Kurt whether the heroin rumours are true — to which he 's laughed , said ‘ No ! ’ and made me feel his arms for any tell-tale scars or holes , though obviously shooting up is n't the only way to take smack and to be honest I 'm not sure I knew what I was meant to be looking for , but still , it 's an impressive gesture at the very least — when Anton walks in with a woman I recognise as Susan Silver , manager of Soundgarden .
7 Seemingly unrestrained by their director , his principals , Juliette Binoche and Jeremy Irons , indulge in a perfect orgy of , in actor-speak , ‘ playing the result ’ : their first meeting , before they are even introduced , is a wild farrago of fish-like glances , tortured swallowing and interminable silences , and Malle follows suit , equipping his female lead with a get-up — black leather , gloves , fags , sunglasses , four-inch heels and an Eton crop to make a Brazilian transvestite blink , never mind a research assistant at Sotheby 's , which is what she is meant to be .
8 The next questionnaire is designed to help you look at your work and get clear in your head what you 're meant to be doing and how .
9 ‘ I think , ’ Doyle murmured , ‘ that you have forgotten what you were meant to be doing . ’
10 Delighted he 's being given the O.K. , unsure what we 're meant to be doing now , and HUNGRY !
11 Is that what we 're meant to be doing this term , tutorials ?
12 No , too right ! deciding what we 're meant to be having .
13 Neither is an overexcited horse likely to win a showjumping contest , because at every jump he is likely to get more and more excited and to concentrate less and less on what he is meant to be doing .
14 It 's like the guys are all moaning , it 's a bloody caring society or whatever it 's meant to be .
15 He 'd mention something about when Bond was in the sewer or whatever it was meant to be , load of rubbish really .
16 Heterosexism ensures that the gut reaction of every heterosexual woman and young woman , as well as many lesbian workers and young lesbians , is to deny the ‘ accusation ’ — for that is certainly what it is meant to be .
17 But the signs are that street-wise teenagers who caused the Chipie boom are moving on again , leaving the brand to settle back to what it is meant to be , a broad-based fashionable collection with an appeal to all members of the family who like off-beat colours and tradition given a twist .
18 The smile has to be understood by the other person as what it was meant to be — a friendly greeting .
19 In the middle was a rosy little naked cupid ; the shaft of the one short hand came through his loins , and the rounded tip at its end made it very clear what it was meant to be .
20 Artemis frowned to herself once more , as in all her young life she had never heard her father say anything which was meant to be even remotely funny .
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