Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [vb mod] [verb] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I was especially fond of my maternal grandparents ' dog , Luath , an exquisitely patient collie with whom I would sit for hours , pretending or half-pretending that we could read one another 's thoughts .
2 But , you see , with all this , and , indeed , before all this , the two happiest relationships of my life were with a schoolfriend called Melanie Smith with whom I used to listen to records of Carousel and Oklahoma ! on an old , wind-up gramophone , and with the hockey-ball when I became goalie of the first eleven .
3 very well then I I 'll adjourn into chambers and I do n't require the attendance of the parties or council until tomorrow morning .
4 Right well I let's I I I would go for schools if I were you .
5 I should like to make two points , the first of which I shall put into italics , since this seems to be your favourite mode of utterance .
6 We hope that the Government will respond to other priorities and suggestions in the report , which I shall list as headings because I know that other hon. Members wish to speak and will doubtless develop many of those arguments .
7 Can I can I say that in my opinion that the county council 's current budgeting strategy which effectively imposes a two percent efficiency saving which I might add in figures come to something like one point five million erm is , is of concern but what is of greater concern is the further possibility of a four percent er reduction which is being sought in blocks of three percent and one percent next year for ninety four ninety five which is to the amount of two point eight million at the current prices will in my opinion decimate the present level of service provision in policing .
8 Reading coach Colin Lee added : ‘ Lambert does things which I used to see on tapes of George Best .
9 In these two offices all your rights , and those of your elderly parent , to State benefits , pensions and special concessions and allowances can be explained , as well as ways in which you may apply for grants and other forms of help in some circumstances from various voluntary organisations .
10 President , congress on behalf of the standing orders committee , I move standing orders committee report number one , which you will find on pages one four six to one four eight of the final agenda .
11 The ideal foods are the manufactured feeds or floating sticks , which you can supplement with treats such as pieces of lettuce , mussels , shrimps , prawns or oxheart in small pieces .
12 Also , write your new belief on small cards , which you can place on mirrors , doors , dressing table , fridge , the dashboard of your car , in your diary and so on , as repeated reminders .
13 There should always be a good reason for substituting cow 's milk with unmodified soya milk ( which you can buy in cartons ) — for example , if you are a vegan and do n't consume any dairy products — as some brands have a high aluminium content .
14 She was trying to grasp the radically changed situation with which she must come to terms .
15 It is such questions which one must ask of Christians , particularly Christians who would be feminist , who explain that the creation story ( or any other part of the Christian story which may be said to be sexist ) is to them a ‘ true myth ’ .
16 What we need is , firstly , a more specific indication of what is meant by a route to chaos and , secondly , some ideas on which we can draw in Sections 24.5 and 24.7 .
17 It is on the borderline between a true signal , indicating the nature of the coming activity and establishing specific relations within which it is intended to occur , and that type of signal which is not preparatory or externally indicative but is integrated within the form of a work : a type which we can distinguish as conventions , and which is so fundamentally important that it will be separately discussed , below .
18 We urgently need a promotional video — one of the most effective tools to communicate with a wide audience — which we can show to groups and visitors within RBG ; send out on loan to groups , schools and other organisations , and use as a vehicle to promote ourselves to potential sponsors and supporters .
19 One final aspect of microbiology which we can learn from novels far more effectively than from textbooks is the symptomology of disease .
20 This receives the pulses through a special ultrasonic microphone , and turns each pulse into an audible click or tone which we can hear through headphones .
21 Clearly linked to language and concepts which we can put into words , attitudes are usually held collectively .
22 In McNeile 's there were no changing rooms or showers , only foot baths in which we could wash after games , and only two baths and five lavatories for forty-seven of us .
23 If there is a demand for these we will look into providing further supplies which we could provide to groups at cost price .
24 New arrangements are being negotiated at present , under which we will pay for call-outs on an ad hoc basis .
25 Any disregard of this may provide the minority shareholders with a claim under s459 Companies Act 1985 , under which they may complain against resolutions of the company which are for the benefit not of the company as a whole , but of the majority shareholders alone .
26 Even now , they were following their own destinies , being drawn towards some Last Battle in which they would stand against things Hawk called the Dark Spirits , whose front man on Earth she recognized as Elder Seth .
27 Marking the places from which they 'd come with scraps of paper , I decided to translate them first .
28 Nursing staff on some of those areas that we would pick out — those would be the intensive care units , the children 's units , the delivery suites and special care baby units — the nursing staff actually have control of permits which they can issue to relatives who are going to be here for a great length of time , and if they so feel that these relatives should n't be charged , they give them a permit and they park in a staff area at no charge whatsoever .
29 Anyone who has either item which they could lend to FADOS for the production is asked to contact producer Bob Davies on Felixstowe 283133 .
30 Firms that did better than the target would be rewarded with credits which they could sell to firms that did worse .
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