Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [vb base] i [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 I I mean I mean I 've been up since half past three this morning ,
2 I I mean I found it , you know , I mean very strong from that point of view .
3 Erm Well I I mean I think it it depends on your own perspective
4 I I mean I think it , somewhere somebody is being greedy .
5 I I mean I think I think in retrospect the erm this is n't intended as a criticism erm of past work , but I do think we need to look at getting as much volunteer help in the town towards volun volunt environmental achievements as possible because one of our one of our claims is that we 're cost effective and can galvanize voluntary effort , and if we erm put all of our work out to tender including relatively small works , we 're actually going to negate that particular claim and we 're gon na look as as as er cost cost wasteful as the district council and the county council in their use of professional help all the time , even though there may be people in the community who are prepared to help .
6 And and I 'm all in favour as I say getting more through the letter box , it 's easier for us and it But I I think I mean I 'm quite happy to leave this now and just carry on with the bridal But we have to make this pay itself
7 Well I I think I think you 'll find that well if Labour gets in
8 I would however I I with great trepidation as I do n't think I 've ever dared do it before , er is try to actually clarify the thoughts of my leader erm it is not erm , have I your permission erm I I I feel I feel he may , I feel that
9 Erm I I reckon I reckon I could do it in an hour .
10 And I said she said I you see I know him .
11 No , I he say I tell you where I get that he said , because
12 If you have them you know I mean I ca n't see , I mean you wear your trousers baggyish and long .
13 But when you loved it , did n't you I mean I know I did when I was a young person first drinking erm I definitely had the feeling that if I was drinking to excess I was n't doing the right thing , whereas the impression we give in Oxford that drinking to the excess is perfectly acceptable behaviour .
14 We 'll have a look at decimals because you need to need to know what you 're doing with decimals but decimals are fractions and until you I mean I think you 're very happy with fractions now you 're probably ready to go on to decimals .
15 and er then she said if she you know I have them and I said no I told her all right we 'll be seeing you and
16 no oh I carpets and what have you you know I think you can make do as long as you 've got one , you know why it
17 Cos I do n't , I do n't want to do much of , I know you you want me to show you .
18 very much thank you What do I stick it with , Pritt ?
19 ‘ Forgive me , Mr Tucker , but despite everything I think I understand my husband better than you . ’
20 You should go around some time because i it I mean I know you 're it 's just , just like
21 He I mean I know he eats you out of house and home , but he 's quite a good lodger is n't he ?
22 I 'm also concerned that if they went down School Lane , although I think it you know I understand they 've got to go to Norwood Gardens and things , that with the car park at The Plough now being blocked I mean School Lane at peak times for schools is a nightmare .
23 No he you know I did it wrong that time ?
24 And meanwhile we 'll keep going you know and er and do what we have to do which is to make sure that when they get dow when they get round to that table sitting down that well certainly the the quarry men are not gon na be hungry if if you know what I mean I mean they they gon na sit there with full bellies in a sense that they 're not gon na be starved back and I mean th that sounds rather dramatic and a cliched but I mean when you 're living on the bread line and expecting money from week to week I mean that 's what it 's all about is n't it you know and and the food parcel .
25 And so I 've tried to open it up er rather wider and w what I 've I 've I 've been put in touch with a a thing called the independent schools , design and technology association , which covers design and technology studies in all independent schools .
26 What I feel I do I do lack is I think I , I , I sort of communicate well with the , with the people , I think I cover the window and stones
27 Cardinal Giacomo Lercaro was assigned ‘ the Church of the poor ’ , and he developed the text of Acts quoted by Pope John on 11 October : ‘ Silver and gold I have not , but what I have I give you . ’
28 cabbage , savoy cabbage , carrots and he 'd cu cut them like I always cut them cos they were only them little baby carrots so , what I do I slice them down
29 And Paul comes up to him and says , you 're totally wrong , out of order here Peter , erm you know what , what you know I mean you 're afraid , that 's , that 's your problem .
30 Can I just quickly erm I know what you mean I know what you mean .
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