Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [vb base] [pers pn] [vb base] got " in BNC.

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1 If you get somebody putting six hundred pounds for holidays , I 'll be thinking mhm you know , they 're not going to be able to do a lot on six hundred pounds a year , but when I actually get to talk to them I find they 've got a caravan , and a friend who 's got a site in North er er in North Yorkshire .
2 I I mean I 've got I 've read it once and and now I 've lost it
3 I I I think we 've got to accept that that on that business we have , we have , do not have secure terms period .
4 So I I think you 've got to open it up by separating the two bits of business , the bit that 's special
5 I I think you 've got to just look at that constitutional concept .
6 Where can you take your campaign if today 's meeting at County Hall in about forty minutes which I know you 've got to dash off and and get ready for , erm where can you take your campaign , the joint villages action committee 's campaign , if erm the meeting today gives the tip at Gascoigne Woods approval ?
7 There are some artists whom you feel you have got to know a little after a one-hour interview .
8 Erm eventually you 've got refusing it but you I imagine you 've got yourself in some difficulty f one further point on this I note you had a section on these minutes .
9 Most frequently we do this to people we are close to , and to people with whom we think we 've got a lot in common .
10 This last one , the text he sent from Istanbul — the publishers took care of the proofreading , of course — that one I believe I 've got here .
11 Well , like her I think I 've got brains and , at 19 , I 'd also like a career .
12 They they reckon they 've got ta
13 I think to appreciate it I think you 've got ta cook it
14 Yeah , buy it in innocence and if it 's been robbed the police confiscate off you you get a piece of paper saying that they 've got it , and that 's it you 've you 've got nothing !
15 From what i understand you have got to go out of the road to get to get er well this er well whatever it is , this
16 ‘ So what I think we 've got to do , ’ says Howard , ‘ is to set up a society where everyone has enough sort of … contentment … to be sort of contented , but not so much that they ca n't see that all this sort of contentment is sort of blinding them to the possibility of becoming sort of more contented in a sort of kind of deeper sort of … ’
17 er , right , what I er , what I think we 've got is an allowance .
18 Er , we did it erm , er just after 1919 when er , er we started backing the white Russians and erm , before we write off erm everything the Communist er Government of er Russia has done over the last seventy years as being evil , what I think we 've got to be aware of is that we may once more be unleashing the forces of nationalism , which in 1914 , and I think of going up er in the period in the thirties very much lead to erm two world wars , and er I 'd like to know more about er some of the forces the so called democratic forces that are backing erm Mr Yeltsin .
19 I , I 'll tell you what I think I 've got in here .
20 ‘ But being brought up in a strictly Christian home , I 'm so disgusted with myself I feel I 've got to hide it and atone for it with ‘ good works ’ . ’
21 I think it came out a bit more expensive that order , still if it 's what you want you 've got to have it have n't you ?
22 We have to come to terms with the fact that people 's experience of God differs enormously and the way they talk about God differs enormously , and in order for us to understand even what we mean we 've got to listen to them .
23 You 'd know anyway , if you 'd got what they think you 've got , whatever that is .
24 that 's what they have you 've got a
25 What happens is this , that your You know you 've got two sets of muscles ?
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