Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [vb base] [adv] [vb pp] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 If he 's trusted me I 've never asked him to , and I 've never promised him fealty .
2 ‘ They are a breed that will enjoy a long walk and they are excellent car travellers — in the 34 years that I have owned them I have never known one to be car sick , ’ she added .
3 I I 've probably seen them about four or five times in the last six months and they do tend to go a bit route one when Walsh is playing but today their link up play has been excellent .
4 Yes , but I did it for him fo , I I 've already done it for him once , I picked up exactly what he wanted , I delivered it to him and now he 's changed his mind and but I 'm not in the business to supply things , I 'm not a supp shop !
5 Erm then er I introduced somebody on the seventeenth for this teaching post , for the sewing club which Noel unofficially told me and Donald also rang up and said that we were going to get the money so I I 've already employed somebody , I have n't got the letter yet .
6 I 'm sorry , I I 've obviously misunderstood something , because I was under the impression that in this er er steering gear there is only the sixteen double O four and the six eight O seven .
7 I I I 've always called it the E flat ,
8 I sometimes wish I did but I I 've never done it in the morning .
9 Yes I I have n't said anything
10 No , cos I I have n't used my camera for over a year and it 's been fucking flung out from S A and all sorts .
11 I you have not said it would not meet the Department of Transports criteria for financial support for example .
12 oh I we have n't got them now that 's before
13 I myself have n't seen him , except briefly , for a great while .
14 Actually , I guess I would n't want to tell it to anybody , not so much because I 'm ashamed ( I tell myself ) as because it 's private ; one last thing I can hide that 's between me and Andy only , so letting me feel that there is one thing at least in which I 've not betrayed him utterly .
15 He wanted to see , do you want a game which which I 've already got it .
16 we 're assuming for the purposes of the argument that you have n't , I mean it 's got ta be , you 've got other defences altogether er and indeed terms of which I have n't made my mind up yet , but with judgement and your duty of care erm may themselves solve this particular problem
17 Using the techniques which I have already described I regressed Sylvia to early childhood — beginning , as always , with a remembered happy occasion .
18 It is important to notice that liberalism in the sense in which I have just defined it is at the root of both socialism and capitalism as economic ideologies .
19 I have never heard this case made in anything like the explicit fashion in which I have just outlined it , and I do not think it ever would be publicly made .
20 At the beginning of the section from which I have just quoted he distinguishes two ‘ objects ’ of sight , between which , he says , there is a categorial difference .
21 Where the agent has a retainer of the type which I have previously mentioned he will at the beginning of the session report to the clients on the latent , as well as the obvious , dangers to that client of a-particular Bill or order .
22 I take the opportunity of the publication of your paper to draw attention to these small details , with respect to which I have never moved myself , because until they interest others in the neighbourhood i should be sorry to be supposed to move in them for any interest of my own .
23 He has a soft dark brown voice , which I have never heard him raise , an acute sense of the ridiculous , and we 're extremely bad for each other .
24 In other words , counsel was submitting that the language used by Nolan J. bore the meaning which I have earlier indicated I think it was intended to bear .
25 What kind of community has it been , having lived here having had so many years in which you 've actually had I mean ei either lived here for forty years plus erm from many other years you 've actually been working here in addi in addition .
26 For example , that brochure , never give anybody a brochure which you have n't read yourself .
27 In the meanwhile the Association of Police Surgeons , the RSM , and several constabularies will continue to promote training to avoid those situations in other parts of the world to which you have properly drawn our attention .
28 One piece of useful information which you have not given me is what happens when you place a load on the power supply .
29 liability beyond the minimum requirements of the Road Traffic Acts , for any motor cycle which belongs to , or is being bought by , you under a hire purchase agreement and of which you have not told us
30 Liability beyond the legal requirements of the countries defined in the territorial limits , for any car which belongs to or is being bought by you or your wife or husband , or is being leased by you , and which you have not told us about .
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