Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [adv] [vb past] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 When he came over to me I fully expected a slap on my kisser , I being the known ring-leader .
2 I mean I I once had a job , it was booked Er now what do they call the road ?
3 Unkind critics of the Amstrad , er , Sinclair PC200 have suggested it would make the ideal present for someone with everything , as you would n't give it to someone who actually needed a PC .
4 He teased me about the way in which I always created a background for these exhibitions , isolating them from their surroundings , by arranging a roll of six feet high gray or white corrugated card in columns and bays .
5 Well actually I feel a lot happier if you say that , because can I actually one of the first questions you asked , which I never got a chance to answer , though Terry did , was which what sort of criteria one would use to say that a Prime Minister 's good and erm I was sort of thinking of that as Terry was answering and I think the thing I came up with is you want somebody who represents , or is sensitive to at least , a very wide swathe of views across the population , but also someone who 's intelligent and caring enough to take into account the minority views , and you want somebody who 's aim is to make most of the people happy most of the time , sort of thing , erm but who 's also prepared to take unpopular steps erm if he believes it 's necessary .
6 ‘ But I told ye I only saw a shadow . ’
7 The speed with which they then became an issue , however , shows that they were real enough .
8 The speed with which they then became an issue , however , shows that they were real enough .
9 He did n't tell himself that since he was no longer on spelling terms with himself he just obeyed an order and rummaged through the man 's pockets as if he were checking a suit going to the cleaners ' .
10 Dedicated kite flyers had been aware of the Sanjo Rokkaku for ages , largely through Tal Streeter 's excellent book The Art of the Japanese Kite ( Weatherhill , New York 1974 ) in which he vividly described a visit to Toranosuke Watanabe , the Shirone kite maker who specialised , as did generations of his family before him , in making these hexagonal Rokkaku fighters .
11 His descent continued : his job talking rubes into a San Francisco strip-club was his most reputable career during a period in which he also became a heroin addict , a pimp for his next bride and an armed robber ( he once pinned a victim 's hand to the floor with a knife ) .
12 ‘ I do feel , ’ Rune was continuing with the same reasonable approach with which he doubtless addressed a board meeting , ‘ that we need an in-depth discussion about its capabilities and design before we consider the best way to market it in the United Kingdom . ’
13 He failed the end of year exams after the first year and changed his subject to sociology , in which he later attained a degree .
14 Inevitably there was a lot of sycophantic non sense around her too.Thus when she made a blood donation , the director of the clinic declared that the room would remain a shrine for her and everyone who now had a transfusion would insist that it was her divine blood that flowed and miraculously and potently into his veins .
15 Gin , we are told , is one of the purest spirits made , and juniper berries , the baies de genièvre or ginepro from which Geneva or gin derived its name , provide the characteristic flavouring which everyone who ever drank a glass of gin in their lives would recognize when he tastes the juniper-berry flavour in Provençal game terrines and certain Northern Italian sauces and stuffings for partridge and pheasant ; and eau de vie de genièvre is a spirit used in French and Belgian Ardennais regional cooking , so it seems extraordinary that people blanch at the suggestion that gin should go into the casseroles .
16 An old woman made older by the suicide of one whom she still considered a girl .
17 Like the NCC itself they also had an industrialist , a feature which our continental neighbours find curious and which is not generally reflected in their own curriculum working parties .
18 The prefix " horse " in many plant names does not mean that the plant is a particularly delectable food as far as those animals are concerned ; it did in fact evolve from " coarse " , and in this case served to separate the plant from the one which actually supplied a radish root .
19 And the one who nearly had a child .
20 You 're the one who never made a mistake ! ’
21 We , even even that is is that we we we we we even had a party on faxing , did n't we ?
22 Now er we we already had a license for an earlier version of EARS which in er in fact was in Aled 's name from the last general election but one .
23 During 1990 and 1991 , it seemed anybody who ever smoked a joint was taking Ecstasy .
24 Thanks to her I still had a roof over my head , but this economic patronage subtly altered relations between us in a way that did nothing to improve my self-respect .
25 While burying him we sure found a lot of other bodies .
26 Lucien grudgingly had to admit that they were first-class vibrancers , but to him they still seemed an insult to the art .
27 And they they even had a gun in with them and if they did n't go by the third shot They fired in the air you see .
28 Montrose was much more open when writing to his friend Mungo Graeme of Gorthie , however , to whom he also sent a copy of Lord Elphinstone 's letter .
29 In Paris he studied at the atelier of David 's pupil Baron Gros , and formed a close friendship with the young Eugene Delacroix , with whom he briefly shared a studio .
30 With the publication of what was his most important work apart from the Idées , namely the Extinction du Paupérisme , the Prince showed himself to be aware of the grave socio-economic problems which afflicted the mass of the French people ; to whom he now offered a solution .
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