Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [be] go to [be] " in BNC.

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31 She sounded as if it was something he was going to be pleased about .
32 It 's probably true to say , is n't it , that anybody who 's going to be picking this up are going to be in the school system rather than in the private school system ?
33 But whatever whatever is put there there is going to be a a four bedroomed house in the garden of the of the cottage , which is erm going to be very much the same as the plot one there anyway , is n't it ?
34 T : I 've got a lot more respect for them now because I met one of them at a party once and he told me they 're going to be bigger than The Beatles — in all seriousness .
35 No , I had decided that whatever I washoping to do , I was going to do on my own so if anyone was going to be proud of me they were going to be proud of me for legitimate reasons .
36 Now the face when you look at them they 're going to be very pale , cold and clammy the eyes well , erm , unless they 're really into concussion they 're possibly normal .
37 Choose a number of the children to leave the room and tell them they are going to be in a competition .
38 He does n't know where you 've told him you 're going to be does he ?
39 I knew as soon as I saw her she was going to be trouble ! ’
40 ‘ I knew as soon as I saw her she was going to be trouble . ’
41 Go back and tell her everything 's going to be all right . ’
42 Well , Wayne is very gullible when he 's had a few and when you , Leslie , told him he was going to be a football star , it went to his head and he happily paid you the £10 signing-on fee .
43 ‘ And do n't dare tell me it 's going to be too tough for a woman , ’ Mariana shouted , as she glared down at him from the saloon .
44 ‘ Something tells me it 's going to be a very interesting evening . ’
45 ‘ You did n't tell me it was going to be anything like this ! ’
46 Instinct told me it was going to be one of those days the moment I removed the little grey shrivelled chicken from the oven .
47 And what challenges are you going to meet you see to boost your ego , because if you do n't boost it you 're going to be in trouble .
48 I mean , look , okay , look at these two bars of chocolate that you 've got , there re , looking at it they 're going to be a about the same price , you 're not going to find one ten times as dear as the other , are you ?
49 We 're going to get more so it 's going to be a bigger piece that that is n't it it 's going to be bigger than the quarter .
50 It means it it 's going to be inefficient , it 's going to be less responsive to tenant 's needs .
51 He says they 're very low in the chemical content and if you 're going to get anything out of it it 's going to be in your mind more than anything else .
52 Actually , I have n't decided what I 'm going to be doing with Pickerage on Sunday .
53 ‘ My mother was a virgin on her wedding night , and that 's what I 'm going to be , ’ she said firmly .
54 So I make appointments with myself , where I 've got , you 'll see there , eight days where for two hours that 's what I 'm going to be doing .
55 And what I was going to be getting for myself at some stage cos I 'd like to do the rest of the curtains myself .
56 Rob said it was appropriate , since that was what she was going to be .
57 ‘ Along , no doubt , with such minor matters as pay , rations , scope of your responsibilities and what you are going to be called .
58 He fields a steady stream of enquiries , not only from visitors — ‘ You never know what you are going to be asked next ’ — but from the growing number of researchers aware of his expertise and experience .
59 Do you know what you 're going to be doing in five years time ?
60 The sixty five who said no does it worry you that you do n't know or is that quite exciting that you do n't know what you 're going to be doing ?
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