Example sentences of "[pron] [pron] [verb] at [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 I I looked at the fabrics in the Libertys
2 To paraphrase Mr Polly , it 's only school that turns the young child from someone who wonders at the marvels around him or her into someone who sees them only in terms of history and geography .
3 There are many cases recorded in which Christian subjects petitioned the sultan to redress grievances which they suffered at the hands of overbearing church leaders , and where the sultan acted in the interests of the petitioners .
4 Among other things , this opens up the multiculturalists and antiracists to the very charge of propaganda and indoctrination which they level at the textbooks , authors and teachers they are attempting to challenge .
5 In this chapter Rob Grunsell gives a brief outline of his approach to in-service training which he developed at the schools council and published in Finding Answers to Disruption ( Grunsell 1985 ) .
6 A humiliating defeat which he suffered at the hands of Lord Peyton in the house of Lords , has concentrated John Macgregor 's mind .
7 Billy goes out shooting every day but does not get much as his only weapons are a tennis bat and empty cartridge case which he hits at the birds .
8 The place from which he rose and to which he descended at the limits of earth and Underworld was the primeval ocean , from where he had emerged , which was the god Nun , the father of the gods .
9 An upper garment is drawn diagonally across the breasts , revealing their broad forms and falling loose below them over the tight belt which it conceals at the sides , and it hangs in a shallow curve on the left hip , a long trail on the right .
10 ‘ I hope this is an inborn talent and not something you learnt at the taxpayers ’ expense .
11 Yeah they they groaned at the ones we 'd come up with but when it came to making their own up
12 It was impossible for the skipper to get out " , although I put his parachute on for him he remained at the controls and ordered the crew to bale out .
13 What you looking at the questions !
14 No no put them back in there darling , they 're what we got at the pictures
15 By all means we may admire , but it is prudent not to judge by what we see at the shows .
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