Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [vb past] over [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Western Wolf , on whom Cauthen won over the course last month , should follow up , but faces several threatening rivals , notably Single .
2 I was taking Venturous alongside the jetty arm at Lowestoft on day to await the road bridge opening when Marty Stone , our second engineer , poised on the gunwale for a jump ashore to take the ropes , slipped on the wet rail and to my horror disappeared over the bow .
3 My father glared over the magazine , shook his head and continued reading .
4 Her fingers danced over the keyboard , uncertain at first , then more sure .
5 In the 27th minute Kamara , on loan from Luton , found Hendrie and squared for Wilkinson to put in a fierce shot which Baker touched over the bar .
6 Two of Lucy 's school-mates , dressed in palest apricot , were bridesmaids , and when the bridal car arrived they were waiting in the entrance porch to make sure her veil cascaded over the gown of pearl-trimmed white lace .
7 Her glance slid over the cube she held , seeing it as an object , a thing she met with every day .
8 Her eyes ran over the company for a moment , and then she turned away to go inside again .
9 West ham had a couple of good shots on goal one of which Beaney tipped over the bar in spectacular fashion .
10 In a despairing sweep her gaze ran over the dress , and she bit back a groan .
11 And there was plenty to admire , she realised at once as her gaze travelled over the Regency bureau , the Chippendale cabinet , the Aubusson rug .
12 The second came in the last minute of normal time and followed an impressive maul , in which Boro drove over the line but could n't get the ball down .
13 He reversed the truck so that its winch poked over the edge of the drop .
14 She could feel her mother s irritation rise to balance the calmness that her grandmother threw over the fight .
15 The Green Study though was a perfect place for writing ; again panelled , the panelling painted a celadon green , one of its windows looked over the garden and caught all the sun , the other over a side courtyard and away across the huddled roofs of Mermaid Street to Winchelsea , another ancient town .
16 Her hand hovered over the phone , then pulled away .
17 There was a single filing cabinet , but in all other respects the room could have been inhabited by his father , the colonial Bishop whose portrait hung over the marble mantelshelf .
18 His fingers flew over the keys .
19 His fingers danced over the keys .
20 His glance travelled over the girl 's face and the visible parts of her upper body , and with another pang of compassion he saw that she was woefully thin .
21 His eyes drifted over the side .
22 That day ’ wherever he went , decision and order followed him ’ As his eyes roved over the terrain , speedily the agile mind made its appreciation .
23 His eyes roamed over the faces in front of him .
24 His mind drifted over the people whom he had heard about for the first time that morning , groping for some sort of perspective .
25 His mind raced over the landing instructions .
26 I can still see the blood starting from the man 's nose , the way his arms reached out as his feet rocked back on to nothing , and still hear the dreadful high-pitched rabbit cry as his body disappeared over the edge .
27 His eye roved over the diagram of streets and parks .
28 He made no comment , however , as his father glanced over the parapet of the bridge .
29 Weakness invaded her as his tongue darted over the fullness of her soft lips , dipped to taste the sweet moistness within .
30 Suddenly his voice came over the headphones .
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