Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [vb past] [adv] for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 After a further six years ' wait ( during which my original proposer and seconder had died and their nominations had been taken up by two ex-captains ) , my name came up for election again , and this time , I was told , the opposition from members , particularly those in the legal profession who were friends of Lord Robertson , was fiercer .
2 I have barely scraped the surface of my topics singled out for illumination .
3 In September my father set off for Fontanellato to find somewhere for us to live , just as the teacher from the South had done .
4 After about half an hour 's unsteady plodding along the sand , leaving dinosaur hoofprints and a small steaming roundabout in the middle of the beach , my buffalo turned back for home , slotted a few heads of corn into his cheeks by the way of reward and let me dismount .
5 I had to mention one thing then , that if my children came home for Christmas , or for a holiday , or for a little visit , we should all have to squeeze up .
6 It was an unsatisfactory relationship , but their meetings made up for infrequency by their intensity .
7 Rural teachers melted away into the towns as their schools closed down for lack of pupils and funds .
8 Margaret Thatcher 's governments encouraged the old nationalised industries to sell derelict sites which retailers snapped up for building superstores .
9 ‘ He discovered it by chance about thirty years ago , when his yacht ran in for shelter from a storm . ’
10 Last season he was getting loads of stick and his contract came up for renewal — when we were in a potential relegation situation .
11 A young giant working on the flower-beds along the drive straightened his long , lithe back to watch the car go by , without curiosity though with fixed , methodical attention , his senses turned outwards for relaxation while he took a breather .
12 ‘ I do n't think that his wife cared much for ice cream , ’ said a relative .
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