Example sentences of "[pron] [noun] [coord] [verb] down the " in BNC.

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1 But nobody ever came into the woods to shake their finger in my face and lay down the law , the way they did with Gittel in the dorf .
2 He returned their wave and gazed down the sun dappled ribbon of bright water as it meandered its way towards Sharpness docks a couple of miles distant .
3 They picked up their skis and disappeared down the Vallée Blanche .
4 When the thumping and cheering had died away Mrs Grindlewood-Gryke rose to her feet fingering her pearls and smoothing down the flounces of her garden party frock .
5 The head of the family rested his knife and fork on their heels and looked down the table .
6 They lifted her gently onto their shoulders and moved down the chapel .
7 She fumbled a pair of glasses from the folds of her sari and looked down the register .
8 Donna joined it , filing past the barriers , showing her ticket and heading down the platform towards the First Class carriages .
9 She took off her glasses and turned down the collar .
10 She played back the messages on her answerphone and jotted down the numbers and names of the men who had called : Tony , Ali , Geoff , and Junior .
11 She balled her fists and fought down the growing desolation inside her .
12 I clasp the mahogany handle just as the door shivers its infection and walk down the crazy paving path as each stone vaporises one step behind me .
13 The big moment came : she opened her hand and laid down the burdened flower by Maman 's plate .
14 She lifted her hand and pointed down the shop .
15 " Well , rat-girl , " she greeted me , pulling off her hat and throwing down the flowers on the bed .
16 He jumped down quickly from his brake-van and ran down the line shouting a warning .
17 Spitting it on to the floor , he raised the half-empty bottle to his lips and drank down the fiery vodka in great gulps , as if to drown the useless curses which rose in his throat .
18 ‘ I saw him on the television the other night it was his run and cross down the left that led to the Americans ’ first goal against England .
19 ‘ I saw him on the television the other night it was his run and cross down the left that led to the first goal against England .
20 Seb hunched his hands into his pockets and scowled down the lawn .
21 ‘ These plates are cold , ’ said Patrick Milligan senior , looking up from his place and staring down the table at his five-year-old daughter , who at once scrambled to her feet .
22 Marler collected his suitcase and executive case from his room and ran down the staircase in search of Leonora Buckmaster to pay his respects .
23 He tilted his head and stared down the gallery .
24 Hazel turned his head and looked down the course of the brook .
25 Gabriel blushed violently and felt the sweat spring through his palms and trickle down the hilt of his tin sword .
26 He pulled open his door and hurried down the landing towards the bathroom .
27 They 'll call up his friends and breathe down the line .
28 Suddenly it slipped from his hand and rolled down the bank into the water .
29 So Summerchild locks up his office and goes down the narrow staircase .
30 Taken by surprise and fear of the other the boy lost his balance and tumbled down the grassy bank towards the stranger but to the boy 's incredulous gaze the figure melted into thin air .
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